Chapter 9

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      "So what's the plan!?" Clara shouted through all the commotion. She stayed low, behind Bucky, who was shooting at anything that moved. Clara was the only one without a gun.

       "Anyone see Zemo?!" They either completely ignored her question relating to the plan, or they couldn't hear her.

         "NO! WHAT'S THE PLAN!" Clara screamed even louder. Bucky looked back at her.

         "Alright! Wait for my signal!" He shouted back at her. She rolled her eyes.

         "Great!" She said sarcastically. "Now if only I knew what the plan was!" Clara looked to her right, and she saw that Sam had disappeared. "Uh Bucky?" Bucky finished shooting at a guy from across the area, and he looked back at me. She didn't even have to explain that Sam disappeared.

      "Damn it!" Bucky shouted and he disappeared around the corner. Clara and Sharon looked at each other, and Clara could tell she was thinking the same thing. They both followed Bucky around the corner, and Clara fucked when a bullet flew just above her head. If only I had a gun. She couldn't find Zemo either, so she was practically useless. Then went underneath the cargo container that used to be the lab, and there Sam was. Clara backed up against the metal, trying not to get shot.

        "And you like living here?!?" Clara shouted at Sharon. Sharon and Clara both ducked, and Sharon finished off the guy.

        "It's...not so bad." She sounded very unsure. "Can you...smell Zemo at all?" Sharon asked her between gunshots.

      "No. My nose is practically broken from all that smoke." Bucky, who had been facing away from Sam, ran out of bullets and joined everyone else.

        "I thought you were gonna go left?!" Bucky yelled at him. Someone fired at him, and he shot back.

        "You went the wrong way!" Sam countered Bucky. And Clara was watching right between them.

       "I was clearing the way!" Bucky came back with Sam's counterattack. Sam looked surprised, in a mad way.

        "I came out first! You are supposed to follow me!" Bucky threw his arms out in frustration, the gun lifting up to the point where it was almost pointed at her.

        "I don't care if you tan out of bullets, but watch where you point that thing!" Clara stepped out of the way and towards Sharon.

          "Yeah guys, now really isn't the time." Sharon agreed, but they kept arguing about who was supposed to follow who. "Alright, I'm out." Sharon jumped out from behind all the debris.

        "No, wait!" Clara was about to pop up as well, but hid back behind the rubble when someone fired at her.

           "This is a barricade!" Bucky continued to yell at Sam.

           "It's in every action movie!" Clara rolled her eyes and got up from her hiding place.

           "ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH!" They both stopped screaming at each other and stared at her. "You guys are acting like such children! Who cares who was supposed to follow who? Cause I don't! But let me tell you, you both have guns and I don't have shit, so either you both are gonna go out there and shoot down those asses who want to kill us, or you can give me your guns and continue bickering while I do it myself!" They both looked at her, and both of their expressions relaxed.  Clara dipped her head.

       "Thank you." Suddenly, there was another gunshot that set off a whole other explosion not too far from them. Clara felt some pebbles hit against her back as she turned away front when explosion. She covered her head with her arms, and she looked up when the noise died down. She looked up at the flames, and behind the wall do orange and yellow, she could see a figure weaving between the bad guys, killing them instantly. He looked at us, and all Clara could see was a purple mask. The fur coat was what gave Zemo away.

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