Chapter 4

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I wake up, yawning. Jeez, I barely got any sleep. I climb out of bed, it was Saturday so I didn't have school.

I walk over to the bathroom and take a quick shower. Turning on the water, I think about what Mephisto said yesterday.

"Hm, I...I don't know."

I knew he was lying. He sounded off.

I stand there, as the hot water hits my back, running my hands through my hair to let the water soak in.


I finish, turn off the water, and step out of the shower. Wrapping the towel around myself, I heard a gentle knock at the door.

"Miss Y/N?" I heard Mephisto behind the door.

"Yes?" I answer.

"I'd like to inform you about my upcoming meeting, today. I'm afraid I'll be gone for awhile." He explains.

"When does it start?" I get dressed and brush my hair.

"11:00am." He says. I open the door to see him wearing a loose, pink yukata exposing the top of his chest. My eyes trail down from his face to his chest. My cheeks flushed a light pink.

He laughs, "I apologize for my informal attire."

"No, no, it's alright." I mumble softly. He looks at me.

"Hm, alright then, I must be off." He turns and leaves my room.

Ugh, I seriously just embarrassed myself like that. I went to the kitchen, walking slowly. Dear lord, I was absolutely fatigued.

I was making myself some breakfast while I feel a vibration from my phone in my pocket. I pull it out to see who it was, an unknown number. I ignored it since they usually are always just scams and shit. In the middle of eating my breakfast, my phone went off again, same number. I ignore it again since it's just spam.

~1 hour later~

I've had enough of this shit. It's my final fucking straw. This damn person keeps calling me and it's really getting on my nerves.

I pick up my phone and answer.

"Who the hell is this, and why are you so persistent on calling me?" I say aggravatingly. The other person laughs.

"Calm down, sis, I just wanted to talk." He says.

"Whoever this is, i'm not your sister." I hang up before they get to say anything else. All that shit for some wrong number.

- Ping. One new Voicemail. -

I open my phone and listen.

"C'mon, sis, you can't deny it forever." He laughs again, "Kashi's coming to get you soon. Come home, we miss you." The voicemail ends. Who the hell is this, who's Kashi? Why does this guy think I'm his sister? Questions run through my head as I hear a crash somewhere. My heart dropped, Mephisto was already out, I'm supposed to be alone.

I grab a knife, jump up and bolt to where the noise was. I tore through the house looking for what or who it was. Was it that Kashi girl? No, stop, they were probably messing with you.

I skid to a stop as I see a green blur speed across to behind the couch.

"Who are you!" I demand. My voice shook the room slightly. Thud. I hear shuffling, a head pops out from behind the couch.

"Amaimon, what the hell." I sigh, relieved, "You scared me." I drop my arm back down to my side.

"Sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean to." He apologized, "Do you know where brother's candy is?" I scoff, can't he get his own.

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