Chapter 12: I had chose to believe every word I was fed.

Start from the beginning

It was quite a boring existence.. Slumping down in the seat, my tears fell faster.. I couldn't stop them..

I just wanted to stop everything.. I wanted to wake up next to Ranboo.. I wanted him to tell me I had been mumbling in my sleep about some nightmare.. I wanted to walk downstairs and listen to Tommy tell me about how he had beat Dream again for his disks.. I wanted to watch Ranboo chase Michael around the house trying to get him dressed as he giggled..

I wanted everyone too be alive again..


But that just wasn't going too happen..

I was going to wake up alone.. At my desk..

No Ranboo..

I was going to eat alone.. Talk to no-one..

No Tommy..

It was going to be quiet.. So goddamn quiet..

No Michael..

I was going to be forced to meet with Dream.. I would see both Wilbur's and Schlatt's grave..

They were still going to be dead..


I lay my head on the desk.. I couldn't do this anymore.. Not alone.. I didn't like being alone.. It made me feel like I was inside that box again..

All alone.. Stuck..


My eyes slowly closed as my sniffles and uneven breathing put me too sleep.. Quickly, I slipped into unconsciousness..

~Sapnap's POV~

I did my best to hide Michael with a blanket as I entered L'manberg. Somehow, the kid was still completely passed out..

It was probably for the best.. I didn't think I'd really know how to comfort him if he asked me about his dad.. I'd never really been the best at providing comfort..

I looked around cautiously.. L'manberg was.. almost a ghost town. Phil's house was clearly abandoned.. The door being pulled off its hinges. Niki's bakery was being packed up.. The sign had been removed and there was a mule outside, carrying bags full off items.

All the lanterns that had been up for the festival, now lay lightless and dormant in the sky. Out of date propaganda posters flapped in the light breeze on the billboards, waiting for someone to take them down and replace them with equally useless information..

... I cautiously climbed down from my horse, leashing it to one of the fences next too the execution area that no one had bothered too clear.. Small drops of blood were still clearly visible..

... How had it fell into disarray so quickly? It had only been.. maybe 2 or 3 days?.. It was kinda hard too keep count nowadays.

I cradled the piglin gently as I carefully wrapped the blanket around him. A sad smile creeped its way onto my face as I glanced at him..

The kid looked so peaceful.. So innocent.. He hadn't suffered, been through any wars, he hadn't had too ever deal with a single conflict yet. It was almost like Tommy and Tubbo when they first joined.. Or like Fundy when he was first born..

I shook away my thoughts as I carried the swaddled piglet to Tubbo's door, and knocked.


"Tubbo..? You in there? It.. It's important dude" I tried to say with the least threatening tone I could manage..


"Tubbo please.. It's really important" I asked.. however this came across as more of a plea..

There was quiet shuffling behind the door, the sound of several locks being undone and then the creak of the hinges. He opened the door just a crack.

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