Iron sky's chapter 2

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                                                                                    Events in motion

                                                                            Sarajevo- June 28  1925


the Serbian man stood in the crowd of cheering people but he did not join in the festivities. no his motives were far from it the people here to celebrate the sovereign he was there for far more sinister reasons. the assassination of the arch duke of Austria.and in doing so bring freedom and liberty to his oppressed people. he moved down the street passing a news stand and papers proclaiming the miracle of cold fusion in America .  

he leafed through one partly to see the story but mostly to distract himself from the task at hand

he looked at his brass pocket watch 12:34 he grimaced this meant his fellow brother had either failed to act or had been compromised but he would not fail. 

inside his jacked he fingered his German made zice pocket pistol. he walked a block across the parade route he looked up and found him-self on a bridge crossing a small river "he is as fine a place as any"

his attention was grabbed by the rumbling of  steam driven walkabouts turning the conor.

"almost time"

first came two walkabouts containing dukes and lesser  royalties mixed in with the royal Gard members looking about into the crowd for danger. then the cars stopped he saw a officer in his dark blue uniform leap out and start yelling furiously at the drivers. he was never told there was to be a bridge on the route a very dangerous situation for his Liege. the driver jester ed about frantically as the guards jumped out and surrounded the fifth car and the men inside the driver  fuming sat back down the prosecution had decided to Cary on across the bridge not wanting to be still for longer than he had to 

his time was drawing near.

he saw him then. resplendent in his dark blue uniform his wife sitting next to him beaming at the crowd.

15 feet 10 feet 5 feet away


he stepped in front of the car 

he reached into his pocket grabbed for his pistol all ready the guards heads were turning one shouted something to the others there hands dropped to here sides going for the own guns

he pulled the trigger inside the finally balanced gun the hammer fell on the firring pin that drives forward into the end of the first round in the chamber "click"

the sound resonated through the open air and for a moment no one moved or breathed.  the instant passed but for some reason the shot in the chamber was defective it could bean a quality inspector slacking on the job or a imperfect  piece of machinery but the effect was the same the pin punched thought the back of the round and into the main reserery of powder the presser ignited it.

 outside of the round the powder would have amounted to little more than a Oriental fire cracker but contained in the shell and the shell in the barrel the force of the blast had no were to go the gun exploded with the force of a grenade in the mans hand. 

as he fell to the ground his comm rad rushed to his side he saw the cars speeding across the bridgeand to safety on his face a look of endless disappointment and sadness already the crowd was fleeing in panic like startled sheep

the  police and guards rushing forward the other conspirator went for his knife on his belt trying toDenny his hated enemy's the satisfaction of taking him alive the captain of the guard  was un flinching he squeezed the triger of his u.s imported Tesla rifle unleashing a feroshish bolt of power knocking the man senseless to the street 

captain! shouted the chief of police now arriving on the scene "he is only stunned don't worry theirsmore in store for this scum" "take him away!"


Berlin latter that day

the same black car pulled up to a curb and divulged its two passengers onto the street in frontof them a store front of the local tavern, a fine one at that but above the street camouflaged in plain sight by the monotony of the every day the office of the shadowy hand of the German governmentthe Gesetz uber. 

the two men walked inside and the passed a bear of a man a elite officer possing as a humble bartender he nodded to the two men and reached under the bartop and flicked a swich the whirring of gears could be heard and  a slient click on the lock of the door at the top of the stairs 

the men pushed on the door and it swung in silently almost omonosly

they stood at attion in front of a man siting at a desk he soppk first and didnt waist time.

"so our efforts in Austria were fruit less" spoke a man dressed in the drab black uniform of theGerman elite "unfortunately" the Field officer said 

"well then we dont have much time"


"well all of Europe has known that our nation has been clamoring for war, a chance to show there new strength to the world"

"and that shows our hand how?"

"it says here that the guards captured one of the conspirators" jesting to the report on his desk 'I am well equated with the Austrian special services" "it wont take them long to get him to sing"

he will evently supply the thin thread of our hand behind this and they wont take kindly to it

"I want the operation erased and the evidence removed said the Field officer to a awaiting underling"

'its to late" the captin cut off .

"is it sir?" the officer said annoyed

"the mob will demand attonement and the police will be happy to oblige. but what then your "man' he said this with a distan for the poor and untrained rebles" will say anything to be free and the poeople want to hear that we are behing this.

we wanted a war well we may have one" he said ponderously as he looked from the window upon the Innocent splendor of his nations streets. 


part 3 on the way! keep flying readers 

 - trying to stress the alternent history here "its the little things that make all the diffrence the moments where histoy hangs in the ballance it is then when the real decision and outcome is decided"--- like a deffective round in a rebels pistol -saucy bagles

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2011 ⏰

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