Falling in Love

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"Okay, here goes nothing!"

"I really like you, since the moment we became friends I just knew there was something more, and now I'm finally telling you, I think I like you, more than that, I love you Sayaka."

Then there was laughing.

"Sorry! I just can't take you seriously!"

More laughter.

"Come on! This is serious!"

"I just, can't you use his name? I know you don't want to tell me who it is Taka, but I really think I know!" Sayaka said smiling.

"But how?!" Taka asked wide eyed.

"I'm psychic," Sayaka said seriously.

"I'm kidding! It's so obvious I wouldn't be surprised if he knew too," Sayaka said with a smile back on her face.

"Okay, then who if you know so well?" Taka asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's so obvious it's Mondo. Come on, the way you look at him and act around him and out of everyone you're close to, he's the closest. The amount of times you've spoken to me about him and had an intense blush on your face is actually kind of funny," Sayaka said with a small laugh.

"It was really that obvious? I really hope he doesn't know then. What if he does! Do you reckon that's why nothing is going anywhere because he's trying to avoid a confession?!" Taka exclaimed worriedly.

"No, I'm pretty sure he returns your feelings," Sayaka said with a comforting smile.

"Really?" Taka asked, calming a little bit.

"Yeah! Remember he mentioned he would heighten how loud he is when talking to someone he likes? I've been a support for him before and when he spoke to them his voice was always much louder, and he has the same height in his voice then as he does with you all the time!" Sayaka said encouragingly.

"Now, try this confession again without using my name otherwise I will laugh again," Sayaka said, going back to being serious.

"Okay, okay I will," Taka said with a small smile.

So Taka continued to improve his confession until Sayaka told him when he was ready.

"Okay! We're going to go talk to him, like we usually would, but then I forgot something so I run away but I'm just round the corner of where we are. You confess and boom, you're in love together!" Sayaka said cheerfully.

"Don't get too ahead of ourselves. Just in case he doesn't return my feelings," Taka said with a deep breath.

They ended up finding Mondo in the cafeteria.

"Hello Bro!" Taka said cheerfully, as if he didn't feel like he was about to have a mental breakdown.

"Taka!" Mondo said cheerfully.

"Oh sorry, hi Sayaka," Mondo said with a grin once he noticed her.

"It's okay! Don't worry about it... oh shoot! I forgot something in my dorm! I'll be back in a second!" Sayaka said panickedly before rushing off.

"Hey Mondo? Can I say something?" Taka said nervously.

"We're best bros, ya can tell me anythin' ya want," Mondo said with a smile.

Taka nodded. He took a deep breath before speaking.

"I... I truly like you, we've been friends for a long time time now and my feelings have progressed now, not just to best friends or bros or whatever, I really think I like you with stronger feelings than that, I'm in love with you Mondo," Taka said, turning bright red and his breath hitching slightly.

"Taka I..." Mondo started, not able to finish his sentence.

Taka felt disappointed, but was pleasantly surprised when he felt arms wrap around him.

"Thank fuck ya feel the same, I was so worried that this would just be some one sided thing I'd never get over," Mondo said, holding Taka close to him.

The Moral Compass was too stunned to speak.

Taka then just wrapped his arms around Mondo and hugged him tight. And then unexpectedly started sobbing.

"I'm so glad you return my feelings! I was so worried I'd confess and that you would have felt too awkward to continue being my friend and just a massive part of my life would have been gone," Taka said between uncontrollable sobs.

"Taka, listen to me," Mondo said, pulling back from the hug and holding him by the shoulders.

"I'd never stop bein' yer friend, if I didn' return yer feelin's I woulda still stayed yer friend, because ya still mean so much to me. And that goes for anythin' okay? Yer the most important person to me and I'd never wanna let ya go, okay? I love ya Taka, and don' ya ever forget that, I'll always be with ya, got it?" Mondo said comfortingly.

Taka nodded, a smile forming back on his face.

"Okay, I got it," Taka said.

Mondo then moved his hands from Taka shoulders to around his waist, and Taka did the same. They did nothing but stand there in each other's arms and look at each other lovingly.

"Yes! I knew you two loved each other! I told you Taka!" Sayaka said, coming out from behind the doors excitedly.

"She helped," Taka said with an awkward grin.

"That makes sense," Mondo said, a small smile on his face. 

Sorry, there will be a lot of Sayaka for a while as I've fallen in love with her like the lesbian I am and I'm fixated on her like I am with Taka + Mondo and I've also recently been introduced to them being a friend group so expect a lot more of her 😭

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