I Promise You You're Wrong (prepare your tissues for this one)

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Taka loved Mondo, he really did.

But he started to feel very uncomfortable in their relationship.

He felt as if his trust no longer existed.

He kept staying out late, which used to be a normal thing at the beginning of their relationship as he would go out late with his gang.

But this is talking about when they were late teens and when Mondo had his gang to lead.

Now they were in their late twenties and Mondo was no longer apart of the gang as he had retired to do his own thing. 

Mondo now would stay out to ungodly hours of the morning claiming he was out with his friends a lot.

And Taka really wanted to believe him but it happened too often and now? He just couldn't.

He stayed up waiting until Mondo got home at like three in the morning again. He was tired but he knew he had to confront him soon. So he'd rather do it then.

Finally, he heard the door to their house open and he waited for Mondo to come upstairs.

He walked into their bedroom surprised to see Taka still up.

"Oh, hey Taka, didn' expect ya ta be up at this time," Mondo said nervously, fumbling around with something he was clearly trying to hide. 

"Why do you keep doing this?" Taka asked sighing.

"Doin' what?" Mondo asked.

"What do you think? Staying out late non-stop! I wouldn't mind if it was occasionally but this is every night! Look," Taka said sadly.

"If there is someone you found whos better than me, I'd rather you would just say then cheat Mondo," Taka said trying to calm himself down.

"What? Taka the fuck?! Why would I fuckin' do that ta ya? Or anyone for that matter!" Mondo exclaimed angrily. 

 "Well if its not that tell me the reason for why we barely spend time together any more Mondo! I know we're adults with things we need to do but then when is there's time for us you always leave!" Taka said furiously.

"I... can' tell ya" Mondo sighed sadly.

"Mondo, I... I don't think this will work out anymore," Taak said trying not to cry.

"Taka please, ya just 'ave ta trust me," Mondo said in shock, not wanting their relationship to be over.

"I really wish I could Mondo but, its just not there anymore..." Taka trailed off.

The next day Taka went to move in with Hiro for a bit before he bought his own house again.

However, once Taka had left, Mondo burst into tears and immediately called Leon.

Leon at first answered cheerfully but then he heard Mondo sobbing so his attitude changed very quickly.

"Mondo what the fuck happened?!" Leon asked extremely worried. 

"Its Taka... he broke up with me," Mondo said, barely able to get his words out.

"Shit, why though?" Leon asked.

"He thought I was cheatin' on 'im," Mondo stuttered.

"How did he even come to that conclusion?" Leon said clearly confused.

"When I'd stay late out and shit, he thought it was me cheatin' when it would've been tomorrow he would have found out I was gonna propose," Mondo said forcing himself to talk about it.

"Do it," Leon said.

"Propose anyway. I assume he's with Hiro? If so I'll ask him to help and bring Taka to where everything was supposed to be tomorrow, explain then. And if he says no its not the end of the world, it may be for another reason, he could appreciate your honesty but maybe still not want to pursue the relationship... or he may still wanna get back with you but not want to ever get married y'know? So do it," Leon encouraged.

Mondo stayed silent for a minute but eventually agreed.

It was slow but, the next day eventually rolled around.

Hiro convinced Taka to dress somewhat smart, like a smart casual kind of thing, saying it's because he was going to take him somewhere.

He was surprised to see that it was a place in practically the middle of nowhere which took a while to get to. There was a large building, seemingly a house, that had seemed to be freshly decorated and fairly new that overlooked a lake.

"Hiro, what is this place?" Taka asked unsure of where they were.

"You'll see, just go inside," Hiro said.

Taka was about to but realised Hiro wasn't coming with him.

He turned to ask but Hiro just told him to keep going.

So he did as he was told and walked in shutting the door behind him, rather surprised to see how dark it was.

But almost immediately after he thought that, lights turned on, and he was shocked to see Mondo.

"What are you?" Taka asked surprised.

"Here to explain everything!" Mondo exclaimed.

"Obviously I have ta work meaning the only times I could build this would be really late at night, and I didn' wanna break our promise of me building us a house," Mondo started.

"And at the same time I was also planning this," Mondo said nervously, pulling a small box out of his pockets.

"I ain't gonna do this traditionally cause I'm far from that so, I wanted to know, even though we're not together I'll still ask, will ya marry me Taka?" Mondo asked.

"Is this why you've been so secretive lately?" Taka asked.

Mondo nodded.

Taka started tearing up. "Of course I will, you should have just said its going to be a surprise I like and that would have been fine! I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions however," Taka said hugging Mondo.

"That's partially my fault though, I should've just done what ya said, with yer trust issues and all I don' blame ya so I'm sorry," Mondo said hugging Taka and starting to sob.

They eventually kissed one another cause that's tradition or something. 

"So this is where we're gonna live from now on?" Taka asked smiling.

"Fuck yeah we are," Mondo said grinning.

So once they got married around a year later, a year after that they adopted a boy and a girl called Kaito and Tenko.


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