Regaining Memories

Start from the beginning

He looked at me like he was scared.

He's just scared. I'm sure he won't banish us. 

Nevertheless, he doesn't trust us at all. 

Whatever happens, we'll figure this out together. We'll find a way to convince everyone to leave the Glade and go to the exit that you, Thomas and Minho found. Once we finally escape this prison, we'll finally be free and nothing bad will ever happen to any of us again. 

That's what concerns me Teresa. 

What does?

Will we be able to? How do we know if we can make it out?  Edward was feeling more scared than ever. He thought about the Griever that had attacked him and his brother back in the Maze, about the fact that Grievers had been patrolling the Maze during the daytime. He couldn't speak anymore to Teresa after that. He managed to drift to sleep but still, his worries clung to his spirit and disturbed his mind. 


Thomas sat on the tower, his legs dangling over the edge. He looked towards the pit where he saw Gally and his henchmen guarding it. How he wished he could go over there and talk to his brother, comfort him, tell him he's not responsible for what had happened. He stared around at everything that had been damaged in the attack. The Council Hut. Frypan's cooking hut. The fields. It was horrifying to look at. 

He looked down at everyone who was beginning to gather up any items that had survived. He noticed a few boys were looking up at him. Alby and Newt were amidst them. Alby looked rather unmoved. Newt looked less strict but a little suspicious. Thoams couldn't blame them. Still, it hurt that already some of his new friends were beginning to think low of him and his brother now. 

He heard the creaking of wood and the sound of the tower hatch door opening. Turning to the side, he saw it was Chuck.

"Hi Chuck,"

"Hi," He pushed himself up and closed the door behind. "I thought you might like some company,"

"Thanks Chuck,"

Chuck sat close to him. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," Thomas hung his head down. He waited for Chuck to ask again but he just sighed. "My brother didn't order those Grievers to attack. And we have not been trying to harm anyone. All we've been trying to do is help everyone get out,"

"I know," Chuck consoled. "I absolutely think it's awful of Alby to lock him and Teresa up like this and prevent you from seeing him, especially after how he saved his life,"

"I don't know what to do Chuck,"

"Talk to Edward tomorrow when Alby allows you to see him. You two can figure something out. You always do,"

Thomas nodded. 

"I'll leave you alone," Chuck stood up again and patted Thomas's shoulder. He departed with a consulting smile as he disappeared down the tower. Thomas eventually became tired. Rather than depart down to the sleeping huts which were mostly destroyed from tonight's attack, he fell asleep on the platform, his eyes even with their eyelids locked tight over his irises still glued to the pit far across the glade. 

He didn't notice that Newt was looking right up at him. He wasn't angry but a suspicious and concerned feature had overtaken his face. 


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