Chapter 24 - Bonds

Start from the beginning

Rin: "Alright I'll meet you there and hopefully Sugu as well."

Kazuto: "Thank you Hikari."

We then end the call and I then called Sugu on her phone


Rin: 'Please pick up.'

After a few more rings she finally answered

Suguha: "What is it..."

RIn: "Sugu are you alright? I heard from Kazuto that things weren't going great."

Suguha: "So he told you everything?"

Rin: "Some of it but I'm guessing you know who I am right?"

Suguha: "Yeah... You're Hikari."

Rin: "And judging from what Kazuto said do you hate us both?"

Suguha: "No that's not it I-"

Rin: "Sugu... Was Kazuto the one who you were talking about back in ALO?"


Suguha: "Y-Yes..."

RIn: "Sugu what did I say back in that room?"

Hikari: "I guess so... Leafa um I'm not good in these types of situations but... I think the best thing for you to do is to move on from that person."

Leafa: "Move on?"

Hikari: "Yes. Move on and find another person in your life because if you keep pursuing that person it will only break your heart more."

Suguha: "To find another person in my life..."

Rin: "Yep that's what I said and also that I would be there for you Sugu."

Rin: "Love is unfair but... You can't let it beat you like this."

Suguha: "But I'm-"

Rin: "Don't even say that you're weak. You're a strong person Sugu and I know that because I've seen you practiced multiple times."

I sighed

Rin: "I believe that you are strong Sugu and you need to know that."

Suguha: "Rin..."

Rin: "Sugu meet us at the northern terrace of Alne we'll be waiting for you there."

Rin: "It's your choice to go or not Sugu. But whatever you choose I'll respect it."

RIn: "Anyway I hope you're doing better see you later Sugu." I then hang up the call I then sighed

Rin: "Hopefully she does come." I then put on the AmuSphere and logged back into the game


I then met up with Kirito at the northern terrace

Hikari: "Hey Kirito."

Kirito: "Hey Hikari. How did it go?"

Hikari: "I tried my best it's all up to her now if she'll come or not."

Kirito: "Yeah..."

Hikari: "Hey Kirito no matter what happens I'll be there to support you."

Kirito: "Right back at you Hikari" We fist bump each other

After that, we pretty much just waited 


Sugu logged back in the game after some time

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