Books and touches (8)

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sorry for not updating i got married and my house was set on fire by my long-time enemy and my arm got cut off because a my secret aunt hates writers

/j author's just burnt out. as an apology i made this chapter longer than the usual length. ( 2944 words total )

also to lessen some confusion. the story's gone through a time skip after the previous chapter. choi han will now be introduced. — asshat-t

He thought, perhaps the reason why he allowed the demon to lay beside him that night was that he wanted to make it up to them, and just saying sorry wasn't enough — but he stopped himself before he could even come to terms with that thought. He cut his own words off halfway and proceeded to drift off onto different topics. Why?

Because welcoming such thoughts would only make them all the more true.

(ref. ch 6)

The final loaf of bread fell into the pitch-black darkness below. Cale heaved a sigh as he held the now empty sack within his hands loosely.

There was barely any progress in his endeavors. It was strange how after countless sacks of bread, the hole was still incredibly dark and unwavering.

'But I suppose it's only understandable that way.'

Cale stood up and dusted off the dirt clinging to his clothes. He brushed his hair back with his free hand and huffed softly.

'Tomorrow again... Such a big grudge —'

"Master." His train of thought was cut off.

Asmodeus's voice rang out from behind him. He turned around and saw the attractive demon standing in front of him, clutching four empty brown sacks in their hands.

"Yeah?" Cale asked, placing a hand on his hip and inclining his head slightly upwards.

It could be said that after the "confrontation" incident, Asmodeus and Cale's relationship began to improve to a certain extent. Asmodeus maintained a small distance. Although they still made moves to touch Cale at random intervals, half of the time they merely stared longingly at Cale's form as if passing on an innuendo with their sharp eyes.

As for Cale, he no longer constantly pushed Asmodeus away — though, this doesn't mean that he wasn't uncomfortable anymore. He was still ill at ease at Asmodeus's advances, but surprisingly enough he made the effort to not show it too much.

It was as if both parties were displaying an odd form of "respect" for each other, both restraining themselves for the other. What was odd was that it felt somewhat natural for Cale, although he didn't dwell on it too much.

(In other words, Asmodeus and Cale's relationship progressed from questionably weird to... "Eh, no. It's still weird, but I suppose there's some improvement".)

Casual exchanging of words such as this was now slightly easier to accomplish.

Asmodeus opened their mouth, and with sparkling eyes, they spoke, "I've recently discovered this place named "The fragrance of tea and poetry" from the servants. Does master want to go there?" With me.

Cale looked off to the side and pondered.

Cater to their wishes, or cater to your wishes? = Go there with them, or go there alone?

𝐀𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 | trash of the count's familyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora