Increasingly clingy (5)

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what.. why are so many people reading this... (edit: minor changes, proofreading. hopefully a less confusing reading experience.) — asshat-t

It was a beautiful day today. The sky looked more like a moving masterpiece; with one glance, one would think that each detail that was etched upon it was sculpted with loving grace. The darkened hues around the edges of the puffed clouds complemented the blue of the heavens — what I'm trying to say here is that everything looks far too perfect and glorious for it to merely be a normal day.

"Masterrr, please. Master, masterr."

Cale heaved a deep sigh as he relaxed his body onto the chair he laid upon. He should be moving right now, yes — but what with how much he's been moving for the past few days he's decided that he should take a break for himself and take the time to observe — or admire, either way is fine — his surroundings.

The redhead lifted a hand and pressed his lips onto a porcelain teacup. He tilted it and allowed its contents to flow into his mouth. The liquid slithered down his throat, leaving a trail of warmth in its path. It felt almost comforting.

In an outsider's eyes, Cale would look elegant and regal. What with the morning sun draped over his body, his chiseled face, attractive posture, and overall handsomeness, it would be no surprise. Though that outsider would be unable to focus their eyes solely on Cale. The incessant muffled sounds of banging and complaints outside of Cale's room were too distracting.

"Master, that tree is too dangerous, if you continue feeding it, terrible things may happen. Of course, I'll still be able to protect you but still."

"Master? Master. Are you listening to me?"

'How could I believe you when I already know the benefits that tree could give me?' Thought Cale, exasperated. He set the teacup onto its saucer and turned to close his eyes. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

'And, was Asmodeus always this loud and clingy? I know they've always been clingy but it was more physical in the book. Asmodeus was somewhat quiet from what I've read...'

'Maybe my sudden appearance caused them to be twice as clingy.'

Cale sighed for the nth time that day. His shoulders sagged; the banging on his door ensued. He was exhausted. And this has been going on for what, three hours?

'How taxing.'

And he merely wanted to rest.

Pushing the teacup and saucer farther from him, Cale propped his arms onto the table. He let his head come into contact with his limbs as he suppressed the urge to groan out in vexation.

He turned his head to the side and took a peek at the oak door to his room. The thing rattled and shook ever so slightly as Asmodeus knocked on it. Cale observed the smallest of vibrations on the door handle. His servant seemed rather determined to bother him on his day off.

'...I suppose this is better than complete silence.'

Cale closed his eyes and tried to ignore the muffled noises coming from the outside of his room. Amidst the knocking and the ceaseless moaning of his name — please cleanse your thoughts — was the soft howling of the wind and the distant chirping of the birds. There was also the hustle and bustle that came from the citizens below that were tending to their daily routines. Cale attempted to focus on those sounds instead of Asmodeus.

It took a while but his mind found a way to blend all the noises. Asmodeus's grumbling, as well as the random noises in the street, had become a sort of pacifier for him. Cale's breathing began to slow. There was pain that slowly increased located at his arms the longer he used them as pillows, but he couldn't be bothered to mind it.

A breeze flew by. Strands of hair grazed his skin. It was a bit ticklish.

For the past few days, he's done nothing but eat, buy bread, get those looks from the citizens, give a bag of bread to the two pitiful children he's being constantly visited by, return to his home at dusk and endure Asmodeus's antics. Of course, there were the occasional tense exchanges with the people in the original Cale's household and Ron's early morning bitter drinks, but besides that, eh.

He would have continued with this routine had Asmodeus not suggested a day off. He considered it, and in the end, chose to do so. They'd said something along the lines of "You still have a lot of time left, master. Why not take a break?" which made Cale a tad agitated.

Thoughts about Asmodeus knowing something he did not swirl within his mind, but after a night of thinking about several possibilities, Cale reluctantly brushed it off. The thoughts were still present though; he's had his guard raised a bit around the demon ever since they'd uttered those words.


Suddenly, Asmodeus's knocking stopped. Like a cord being cut by a scissor, Cale's relaxed state was cut short. The man's brain had snapped back into reality, but he still kept his eyes shut. A vain attempt at falling into Morpheus' arms.

'Did they leave?'

He thought to himself, followed shortly by an internal groan as he tried to lull himself to sleep.

A few beats of silence flew by. A minute, two, until finally, Cale couldn't handle the frustration of being unable to sleep. Groggily, he opened his eyes and stood, a deep sigh once again escaping his lips.

'Since two minutes had already passed, I think Asmodeus should be wandering the halls by now.'

And so Cale turned to walk towards the entrance of his room. He stretched his arms, relishing in the soft cracks that came with it. The sound of his shoes colliding against the ground filled his ears — it was mildly therapeutic. Soon enough, said sound had ceased, and he was already in front of his door.

He lifted a hand and grabbed the doorknob. He twisted it and swung it open; merely two seconds after he's stepped out of his room, his world turned blurry. He felt his back bump into a wooden surface, and before he could even react to the sting that came with it, rough bangs surrounded him left and right.

He emitted a small gasp in spite of himself. His eyes widen as Asmodeus suddenly draws near him, face nearly touching his.

He felt the demon's breath hitting his skin. It was cold. A faint shiver crawled down his spine.

Asmodeus's arms were firmly planted at the sides of his head, to the point where their hands could almost leave a mark on the door behind him. The demon had a thigh wedged between his legs; their sharp eyes fiercely clashed with his. Cale felt a similar sensation as the one he's had before. He felt as if he'd turned to stone, and was unable to utter a word.

Although Asmodeus's face was as impassive as ever, their overall aura felt a tad more.. fierce.

Cale couldn't process what was going on. 

little to no proofreading. apologies for any misspellings or confusing scenes, im too tired. also, i may do monthly updates from now on...  though, i make no promises. — asshat-t

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