Chapter 9: Barely Breathing

Start from the beginning


Red and I bumped fists then began our foot dancing. She threw a punch straight at my face that I just dodged but I could see her foot coming straight for my side. Shit! What the hell did Tony say to me.

Too late. Her foot had hit my side sending me sliding on the floor in pain.

'Did I hit you too hard Princess?' She snickered from above me. Oh this asshole is going down.

I swiftly jumped back on my feet forgetting about the throbbing pain in my side. 

'So my Princess does have some moves? Nice to know' She smirked at me once again.

Wait... MY Princess?

I was caught up in my thoughts of her practically admitting I was hers when a sharp pain came coursing through my nose followed by a thick stream of blood.

My anger was now boiling inside of me. I smeared the dark substance from under my nose and put my hands back up, not ready to give in just yet.

We threw punches at eachother, some landing and some missing. Her beautiful face now had a busted lip and bloody eyebrow whilst I had a broken nose and a black eye. I threw a jab to her jaw causing her to stumble a bit.

The crowd we had gave some 'ooo' and 'ahhhs' as our feet continued to stay in rhythm. I was about to progress at her but my head started to pound like something was beating inside of it. Red took this as an opportunity to sweep my legs out from under me and straddling my waist once again pinning my arms above my head so I couldn't move.

Kill her

'what did you say to me?'

'I said how does it feel to be defeated by your queen princess?'

You did?

I didn't respond back to her instead I just simply shut my eyes out of defeat not wanting to see that smug look on her face.

After 5 minutes or so I opened up my eyes to see if Red was still there trying to tease me, but she wasn't. Instead I was lying in a bed with tubes stuck into my arms.

'what the hell?' I whispered to myself.

'Ah our little experiment has finally woken up!' A man said as he made his way to the side of the bed.

I tried to sit up and gather my thoughts but I couldn't move. Instead my arms were strapped down to the side of the bed along with my legs.

'How are you feeling? Any changes yet?' The stranger proceeded to ask me.

'What do you mean changes?' I questioned at the man.

'Don't worry Y/N you'll know what changes I mean soon'

'Can I see my mother? Please'

'Peggy will be taken care of, everything will be ok'

'what do you mean by that? I want to see my mother please, let me go!'

My hands were now covered in a red mist along with a few scalpels that were floating in the air.

What the hell is going on?

'Wow this is better than what I expected!'

The man was no rifling through a draw trying to find something. He stopped and made his way back over to me appearing as though he had found what he was looking for.

'Rest up Y/n we've only just begun' the man spoke as he injected me with a blue liquid.

Then everything went dark. No light at all just emptiness.

I had teleported behind red whispering something in her ear that put her in a trance like state from my hypnosis powers. Everyone gasped and stared intently at me waiting for my next move. I threw a hard jab straight at her nose causing blood to instantly rush from it whilst she screamed in pain.

I couldn't help the burning feeling in my stomach as I repeatedly kicked her in the stomach causing her to now cough up blood.

'Victoria!' I heard Parker shout.

I looked into the crowd of horrified and disgusted faces as I came back to my senses. I looked down to now see red lying in a pool of her blood. What the hell have I done.

A few of the avengers escorted everyone back to
*Tony's pov*

Romanoff and Carter had finished fighting with Romanoff winning. I knew she would!

Don't get me wrong Carter is a string kid but she isn't as highly skilled as our trained assassin.

After the fight had ended we took everyone else back to their rooms to get ready for dinner. I made my way back into the gym listening to a playlist Barton had recommended for me.

'JARVIS play "Tin mans ego" playlist for me please'

'Yes Sir' the robot responded back.

As I was belting it out to my playlist I heard someone scream something. I turned around but no one was there.

'Maybe I do need to stop throwing parties? Oh well' I carried on doing an air guitar solo but I heard yelling again.

'Mr Stark please help it's Victoria! Please she needs help something is wrong I don't know Nats trying to do CPR but she's not waking up' The kid rambled in my face.

'Alright calm down now tell me exactly what's going on with you kid?' I said trying to reason with the out of breath spider.

'Not me Mr Stark it's Victoria, her heart isn't beating on its own. Nat is doing CPR but Victoria isn't waking up. I think she might be d-'

'Shut up and go and ring an ambulance NOW!'

The kid ran off to call an ambulance as I ran the other way towards the ring to see what was going on.

I got there and all I could see was an extremely distraught assassin trying to keep Carter alive.

'MOVE!' I shoved Romanoff off of Carter's body and started doing to the CPR compressions myself. 'Now I'm not a religious man Victoria but I swear to god if you don't wake up I'll keep that pretty little bracelet of yours' I whispered to myself just before I punched her in the chest.

In a matter of seconds Carter was grasping for air as the paramedics came through the door and put her onto a stretcher.

Didn't realise that bracelet was so important to her huh?


A/n: if this chapter is shit I can't really care its rushed because I'm trying to do school work but anyways.

Enjoy the chapter and I hope you guys are having a good day :)

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