Chapter 8:

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*Natasha's pov*

Me and Carter were now dangling 4 meters above the ground. Thor made us do a topic on Asgard which nobody knew anything about, but me. So we were sort of safe. Thank god I actually listen to Thor's boring rants about Jane.

Since the topic of Asgard only three teams were in. Me and Carter, Parker and his little girlfriend that he says is just his friend and Wanda and Tony's brat of a niece Sam. She hadn't exactly done anything to me besides keeping me up last night listening to her scream Carters name.

That bitch is going down.

'Alright since there's only three teams left this will be a tie breaker question' Stark announced to the little crowd that had now formed. 'Whoever gets the answer right wins basically, so I'll get Captain America to do the last question.'

Oh this is so easy. Steve is that basic and plain that his favourite coffee order is an Americano.

'Here it is, what is my favourite song from the 70's?'

You have got to be kidding me! Steve has never told anyone that we're screwed.

I saw the look on everyone's faces and they were just as stumped as I was. 

'It's been a long long time?' Carter shouts out a bit worried and unsure.

If this isn't the correct answer I am literally going to punch her in the face. I can't exactly kill her because Jules made me and Tony promise to keep her safe. I hate that I owe you Jules!

'That is actually...Correct!' Steve shouts back

'You're joking right?' I said completely baffled.

'Does it look like a joke?'

Fair point.

Carter and I got lowered to the ground and unbuckled from the harness that attached us by the hips. I was a little sad to see Carter immediately run over to Sam since her and the other team ended up in the mud.

*Victoria's pov*

After I said the only song I could think of, 'it's been a long long time' I didn't expect it to be right. I was so happy it was the right answer because I honestly didn't want to end up in the mud and I was also pretty afraid of heights.

As our feet returned to the ground and red and I's harnesses were detached I saw a flicker of disappointment in her eyes. It didn't last long before she turned around and walked towards the building.

I was about to follow her but I was ripped to the side by Sam covered in mud now fully detached from Wanda. Both of us walked back through the halls and up the elevator to my room so Sam could shower and take her belongings that were left over.

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