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Team shifted on his bed again, he couldn't sleep. He was angry with P'Win so he couldn't go to his room and sleep either.

Team and Win had been in a relationship for one year but he had a feeling Win didn't want to tell anyone about them. Earlier that day when they were in the swimming club some members had asked them if they were together. Team had stayed quiet waiting to hear what Win would say. Win said they weren't dating, that they were just friends.

It had hurt him. Why didn't hia want people to know about them? Was he ashamed to be with me? Tears formed in Teams eyes at the thought but he wiped them away, he ended up falling asleep around 3 am.


( next week)

(Wins pov :- )

Team had been giving him the cold shoulder for a week now. Something was definitely wrong, he could see the circles under his boyfriends eyes getting darker, Team seemed more tired lately. The junior hadn't come to sleep in his room even once in the past week and when Win tried to talk to him about what was wrong he would either dodge the question or someone would come up and he'd change the topic.

He needed to talk to team alone, without anyone coming in between and without him being able to avoid the questions so Win had asked team out for dinner that day. The boy had seemed surprised at first but then agreed, win noticed that Team had been happier since then.

Currently win was near the pool, closing it up with Dean. He had just checked the changing rooms and locked them. Dean did the same with the locker room "Win could you drop me to the club today? Del had to go to her friends place so she took the car"

"Sure. It'll be five hundred bucks" Win teased

Dean caught him in a headlock and ruffled his hair "Shut up and take me there while I'm still talking nicely" They laughed as Dean dragged win to the parking lot.

"Who are you meeting here?" Win asked curious as he parked the car

Dean smiled "Come in and see for yourself"

Both of them had already changed their clothes. Music and beats could be heard outside the building when they entered the music blasted louder into their ears.

After looking around for sometime Dean walked up to a couch in the side.
"MEW?!" Win exclimed in surprise when he saw who was sitting there. He, mew and Dean had been best of friends in high school then Mew had to to move to another city and the boys were separated.

"Ay Win!" Mew got up and hugged the two "it's been so long!"

(Third persons pov :- )

It was raining. Team checked his watch again. Hia was an hour late. He was never late before, Win had always been on time if not early and at the very least informed team if he was going to be late. Had something happened to him? The thought scared Team, he called win for the twentieth time but there was still no answer. The ring was going but no one picked up. His mind started thinking about the worst scenarios what if he had an accident? What if he was hurt? Had hia forgotten about him?

Team hoped none of his thoughts were true. But then why hadn't hia come till now? Suddenly his phone rang, team immediately picked it up


Hello? Team?

What happed Pharm?

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