Critical_Error Bio

Start from the beginning

-Yellow Strings: Critical_Error can use the yellow strings to inject and infect an entity with a pathogen version of his own code, which will than spread all over the host, at which point, their entire personality is overridden, and they become an extension of Critical_Error's will temporarily, until after 2 hours. Can only work on entities weaker than him. It does not effect stronger entities, or other Errors.

-Cyan Strings: Unlike other strings, these affect the fabric of space, allowing Critical_Error to manipulate the space he is in, and can either flatten or expand, in order to give himself an environmental advantage in the way that he sees fit for him.

-Pink Strings: obtained from when he copied the Fear Soul's data into strings he can use when he encounter Bete Noire in an Alternate Universe known as Glitchtale. With the Pink Strings, he can create hallucinations to those he wraps the strings on, by showing them their worst fears, looking as though they have come to life, or can make them see their deceased loved ones, in order to make them lower their guard. Might possibly be used in order to manipulate their feeling without them realizing that they'll be falling in Critical_Error's plan.

-Orange Strings: Strings that he can use for a purpose far different than the other strings. These strings are used to transfer his strength to the person he wraps the orange strings around, giving them a boost in power, but leaving Critical_Error weakened due to transferring his strength to that of another person, until he removes the strings from them.

-Fatal Blasters: they are now much more stronger, firing a purple beams, and can fire through anything, with a range of 5-8 meters. Are much stronger than Error's Blasters, and can even overpower them in less than a minute.

-Fatal Ray: A Stronger version of Error's Glitch Ray, but weaker than the God Ray that Error404 possesses. Unlike the other 2 rays, this one can only be fired, if the eyes on Critical_Error's hands are close together, with one of the eyes above the other, which first creates a ball of purple energy, which than fired into a Ray that is in between the size of the God Ray and the Glitch Ray. It can instantly kill entities weaker than Critical_Error, can cause some damage to being stronger than Critical_Error, and can damage non-organic materials to a limited extent.

-Memory Storage: Ciritcal_Error can now permanently remember anything and everything he witnesses and sees, thanks to Error404 fixing and improving his brain. In other words, having a photographic memory, except it is one that is resistant to being erased inside the mind.

Unnatural Physicality: due to the harsh training of Error404, and the Determination that exists inside of his body, Critical_Error is now far more faster and stronger than he ever has been, but is still very weak compare to Error404, and can be easily overpowered by him. He can run at 159 mph, which can make himself look like a blur, and is strong enough to hold 95,000 tons.

Eyes of the Monitor: the eyes on the palms of his hands that he has gained after being revived by an unknown entity allows Critical_Error to see through either Error404's eyes or Error's eyes, depending on the hand that he is activating. If he uses the right hand, he will see through Error's vision, in order to see where he is and what he is doing. The same can apply for Error404, allowing him to know what is happening.


-Critical_Overload: when Critical_Error absorbs large amounts of DT through his red strings, he can gain enough Determination to activate this transformation, which has the power to increase all of his abilities. The downside is that his body will be strained for between an entire week, all the way to an entire month, depending on how much he absorbs, and during all of this, Critical_Error will be vulnerable, and at one point, this transformation almost killed him when he used too much Determination inside his body. This is only used as a last resort.

Can be used as a component along with Error for a new transformation of Error404, though it is unknown what it is that'll happen if all 3 Errors were to transform.


Error404-similar to the relationship between Error and Error404. But unlike that relationship, the relationship between Critical_Error and Error404 is much more stable, due to them both suffering from losing brothers, and work together to try and bring them back to life.

Error-Geno's original future self. he still hates Error extremely for making him the way that he is now, but will put the grudge aside, if the situation is needed for him to do so. Have gotten into fights with Error more times than both can count.

Ink-deeply disturbed by what happened to Ink, having last seen him when he first fought Error, where he simply watched both him and Error fight. Does his best to stay away from him as much as he could, but also at times, can help Error bring back who Ink once was from before.

Infected-Has a grudge against him and wants payback at Infected for the previous defeat from the very first time that they had both met.

King Multiverse-Does not like King Multiverse one bit, and refuses to become in of his servants. King Multiverse still tries to get him into his services.

Patch-It's no longer as bad, and now acts somewhat kind towards Patch, but still refuses to consider Patch as his real brother, believing that he is not like Papyrus.

Geno-Critical_Error creeps out Geno, due to his disturbing appearance and abilities, as well as being originally Geno himself. While Geno can sympathize with Critical_Error, due to wanting Papyrus back, he condemns him for destroying countless alternate universes just to return him.

Gaster-Annoyed by him and hates him with every fiber within his very soul, and wants Gaster to leave him alone.

Papyrus-is just as obsessive as ever, and is very determined to bring him back to his arms.

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