"Hi, you must be new. I am Lillian," she says, a huge smile on her face.

I give her a half-hearted smile. "I'm Natasha," I say.

"Nice to meet you. Want to join our conversation." she then says, taking my hand and pulling me to a group of girls. It seemed like she didn't give me much of a choice.

I sit next to her and she introduces the group to me. I give a small wave, feeling a little shy.

"So new girl, have you seen Agent Barton yet?" one girl asks me. I think her name was Katelyn. I give a small nod. Of course, I have seen him. He saved my life really and brought me here. But I wasn't gonna tell them that.

"Ok good. He is so cute and his muscles OMG!" another girl cries out. Never caught her name. I don't see what they see in him. He is cocky, makes terrible jokes, complains a substantial amount. I mean he ain't the ugliest guy I've ever seen.

"So, Natasha...who is your SO?" Lillian asks me. I feel 7 sets of eyes, suddenly looking at me.

"Agent Barton," I say, knowing what might happen and I was right. All the girls screamed and shrieked. Saying how lucky I was and how they wanted to swap with me. I'm not sure where Barton got all the information about that no one likes him because these girls prove otherwise.

I shake my head and get up. I grab a clean pair of clothes and decide to take a shower. I put my hair in a ponytail and leave the room. I remember being shown where the cafeteria was and decided I needed to get some food. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. I walk in and see many different groups of agents sitting at tables laughing and talking. I walk over to the front counter thingy and a lady gives me a bowl of oatmeal and tells me I can choose some fruit if I like and a drink. I took a fruit cup and a bottle of water. I spotted an empty table and sat at it.

I wasn't ready to make friends yet, especially with my past mistakes. I was in a daze, eating my breakfast when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I was brought back to reality and turned around to see Clint smiling at me. He sits down next to me and begins to fill his mouth with oatmeal.

"Do you know how to eat like a normal person? Normal people don't shovel half their food in their mouths." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Well, then you have never met me then. Shouldn't you go and sit at a table with other agents and socialize? You know make friends." he says, slowing down a little.

I shrug. "I'm not very social and I have trust issues. Right now, you are the only one who I can really trust. Anyways, shouldn't you be sitting with your friends?"

"I get on with most people in this room but remember that most people don't really like me. Besides, I generally sit alone, unless Coulson comes in while I'm still here. And I wasn't gonna leave you sitting here all alone and depressed." he says looking at me, elbowing me playfully.

"Clint, please say you have been here longer than 10 minutes, judging by the fact that you have hardly anything left in your bowl." I hear Coulson say, as he sits down at our table.

"He's been here not even 5 minutes," I say flatly, looking up at him

"You need to learn to chew your food before you swallow," Coulson says, shaking his head. Clint shrugs.

"Come on and hurry up your food. You have a training session soon." Clint tells me, getting up.

I finish my breakfast, say goodbye to Coulson, and follow Clint to a training room. I go inside while he heads to the area where the SO's watch.

I am standing at the end of the line that was formed in the room.

"My name is Agent Columbo. This session to judge your skills and place you either up, down or keep you at your current level," she says. I was told by Clint on the way here that I was starting level one then working my way up. Agent Columbo points to me and asks me to go on the matt.

A Life in DebtWhere stories live. Discover now