Aine could still hear it even now, every time she closes her eyes, she could hear it. Even looking at the mirror was making her uncomfortable since she had feared the woman will be there, staring back at her. Which was why she couldn't bear to see herself in the mirror for no more than thirty seconds, her heart would always pound harshly and she had to look away for a moment before seeing her reflection again.

She fiddles with her charm bracelet and the pendant she received from her father during Christmas was now worn like a bracelet too, it always gave her a sense of tranquillity and reassurance when she looked at it. Perhaps it was partially due to the bluestone her father had given her, it made her feel assured and safe and seeming how she felt that way every time she looks at it, it must have been true.  

Taking a seat by the velvet grass, her eyes drifted to the clouds that were blowing by with the wind, Hestia flying over to her side to keep her some company. Aine strokes her owl's feathers silently, watching over students bickering and playing near the edge of the lake's water, pushing one another in and daring to run on the freezing water. She smiled at the innocence of them, time was passing both quickly and long, and how the year flew by already. 

While she looks ahead at the group of Hogwarts and Durmstrang students, she found a figure slowly approaching her from the group, making her snap out of it, squinting at the student who was walking towards her. When she recognised who it was, she lets her guard down and stares at him who casually took a seat down next to her. He smiles at her and her lips tremble into a curl.

"What are you doing here alone, beautiful Aine?" Draco asks, waving at his friends who were splashing water with their shoes.

"Getting some air, Mr Ferret boy," Aine answers and he narrows at her, "Stop that ferret thing. It's traumatizing and embarrassing!"

Aine chuckles, and he smacks his palms on his face, feeling the humiliation again, "My apologies, Snake boy."

"Apology half accepted, little miss," he teases and she giggles, "So what are you doing here? I assume your homework is all done since you're happily playing out here."

Draco nodded, leaning backwards as he feels the wind hit his face, "Mmhm, got it done a couple of days ago," he told her proudly and she hums, impressed, "I didn't know Draco Malfoy was a diligent student."

"Of course, I am. If I didn't, father would have disowned me years ago!" He pauses afterwards, and Aine turned to him, watching him cast a sullen gaze down before adverting his eyes to her, "What about you? Still procrastinating?" 

"Mind you, I'm long done. Just... Tutoring." 

"You tutor?" 

"Yeah, helping out would be a better term, I supposed." she sighs, combing her flying hair with her nails away from her face.

"Let me guess, Potter still hasn't done his homework?" he questions and she nodded, "It's not just that too."

"What else could there be?"

She shot him a look, "He still hasn't found a clue about the next task and it's only in a few weeks." Worry in her voice, she knew her friend was still puzzled and lost about the Golden egg even when he stays quiet, she knew he didn't know what to do with it and it made her infuriated with herself because there was nothing she could do since she hasn't got a clue about it at all. She and Hermione went to search for books in the libraries day and night, hoping to find a hint about the mysterious enchanted egg but there was nothing. 

Draco senses her concern, her eyes still and she let out an audible sigh. He wasn't sure why she was worried about it when it wasn't her job too, nor did she enter the competition. Even so, he wished she would stop tormenting herself overthinking about it, "I'm sure he'll find an answer to that soon, Aine. Don't worry about it. As much as I despise Potter, he is a smart and strong man."

UNTOLD | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now