"Omega!" Lilith screamed, ducking down and covering her head. A pilar of flames burned brightly before her, two demonic figures stepping out. The imposter froze halfway to his target and hissed at the two new arrivals. With a screech, the angel vanished in a flash of light. Lilith sat on the floor, panting. She hoped that this event wasn't a precursor to what the next three months would hold.

"Well it's good to see you guys again." Lilith sighed. She looked up at Omega and Water who stood in her living room, trying to take in what had just happened. It was odd seeing them in an otherwise ordinary environment. Standing up, she went to examine the wall, relieved to see no damage beside a crack in the painting her friend had gifted her. With sticky wet feet, Lilith walked back to the mess by the dining table.

"You okay Lilith?" Water asked casually and sat on the couch. Lilith brushed her hair over her shoulder, looking down at the mess on the floor.

"Yeah, I'm fine. A bit startled to see one in my home, but other than that. Omega, can you grab a rag from the kitchen please?" she smiled at him, knowing he would be annoyed by her request.

"As you please." He bowed and walked into the kitchen. She rolled my eyes and brushed the larger chunks of glass into a wet pile with her foot.

"So, what happened exactly?" Water watched her closely, looking over her body for any marks. He also was enjoying seeing her in only a shirt and underwear.

"Well I thought you broke into my house, but I quickly realized it wasn't you. So, I bought some time and summoned Omega." she explained while picking up the glass. Omega dropped the rag down on the floor and sat on the couch with Water. "Thanks." she muttered in a bitter tone. She rubbed the rag around with her foot then threw away the glass.

"Since we are here, can we just leave today?" Omega asked in an inconvenienced voice.

"How? I don't have a car and you two certainly didn't drive here." she snipped, picking up the soaking rag and putting it in the dirty laundry in the bathroom. "Plus, I haven't even packed." Water cleared his throat and looked to Omega.

"No one is arriving until tomorrow morning." Water said. "And we can't leave her, so it looks like we are going to stay here."

"You two can share the bed." she called to them.

They sat in her living room, Lilith still without pants or bra, them without a way to leave. Swirling ramen onto her fork, she slurped the noodles up, her eyes fixed on the TV show. She had squeezed between Omega and Water on the little couch, much to their annoyance.

"Is this really what you do on a Friday night?" Water asked in disgust. He watched the sappy romance play out on the screen with contempt.

"Look, I am a busy person. I'm not going to spend my Friday getting drunk and fornicating. I'm going to sit on my couch and watch Grey's Anatomy." she replied in an annoyed tone, not breaking her gaze.

"So, was that the first angel you have encountered since being away?" Omega asked. She nodded, hoping that they weren't going to keep talking. "Well you're handling the whole thing very well." He added. She shrugged. When she was with Ghost, she never expected normality.

"I knew you would save me. You always have." She said and leaned in, trying to ignore them the best she could. The show was at a pivotal point, her body tensing with anticipation.

*Ring! *Ring!

"What the hell!" Lilith exclaimed in exacerbation. She set her bowel down on the floor and leaned over Omega for her phone which sat on a side table. Seeing Sam was calling, she rested herself on top of him and answered, knowing this could take a while.

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