[5] But I still love you, Mom.

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It was a windy Friday at Sakura High School. 

Shizu was waiting for Yuna at the gate as Yuna skipped her way towards him, having acquired some new gossip. 

''Were you still watching Kenny's sister and Sora-san?'' Shizu questioned with a joking smile as Yuna gave a mischievous smirk, ''Only for a little bit! I was mostly pondering whether I should have headed back to record it. Alas, I'm not that bad a person so I let them be. I really should have recorded it before I left though...'' Yuna's smirk turned into a small, fake pout as Shizu chuckled and said, ''Well, it's time for the thing. Come on, I'll be right behind you if you need me.'' Shizu's sweet tone was enough to convince Yuna to still go through with it.

Meanwhile, the present-day Yumeko was depressed. She hadn't properly showered in almost a year and had almost spent all the prize money that Yuna left behind. All that Yumeko could do about what had happened three years prior was look at an old photo of a baby Yuna and apologise to it. Another thing she tried to do was call Yuna's father but alas, he didn't reply. If anything, it just rubbed salt on the wound as Yumeko was now on the floor with tissues all around her and she was thinking about all the bad times she's had. Filled with regret and self-rage, Yumeko never had visitors so she jumped at the sudden knock on her door.

Opening it was a familiar, young girl with pink hair and blue eyes. Yumeko failed to notice the blonde boy behind the fence, though.

''Hi, Mom...'' Yuna said, quietly. She was rarely shy after her life at Sakura High but facing her mother had made her heart feel heavier than ever. ''Yuna... It's you...?'' Yumeko couldn't believe that her daughter came back. ''Yeah, It's me...'' Yuna sighed in annoyance and nervousness. ''But... Why? I hurt you and ruined your childhood... I'm supposed to be your mother! And I failed...'' Yumeko replied as she continued sobbing quietly, wiping her tears now and then. ''Look. It's true, you hurt me and ruined the first few years of my life. But my boyfriend suggested giving you a chance and personally, I still have a tiny bit of hope that you'll apologise. So if you ever wanted to, now's your chance.'' Yuna explained quickly, trying to get this interaction out of the way. Yumeko ignored the 'boyfriend' part and started crying more and hugged Yuna tightly. ''Of course, I'm so sorry, sweetheart! You were so innocent and happy before I threw you into pageanting, and I'm so sorry for being blind as to how hurt you were! You're so strong for not saying anything for so long... and I'm SO sorry for hitting you, the day you told me you were moving out, It didn't seem like it but I do feel bad and I love you!'' Yumeko's crying was getting on Yuna's nerves and she pushed away from the hug but it also made Yuna feel a little bit sorry for her. She sighed and said, ''I won't forget what you did. But I will forgive you... for now! And I'm still living in the dorms! But I'll keep in touch with you so you can at least try to redeem yourself.'' Yuna then pouted angrily and looked to the side, not wanting to see Yumeko's expression. She couldn't see it but Shizu gave her a thumbs up in case she did notice. 

Yumeko nodded and thanked her greatly as Yumeko nervously invited her in. ''Uh... Well, I don't trust you fully yet, so can Maihama come in as well?'' Yuna asked and Yumeko replied confused, ''Who...?'' as she looked behind Yuna and saw the blonde boy behind the fence. ''Oh! So is that your boyfriend? Oh my, I'd love to invite him inside as well! Please do, I wanna hear everything! How did you meet? Oh, Who asked who out first?''. Yumeko was definitely Yuna's mother, Shizu thought. ''It's nice to meet you, ma'am! And if Yuna's okay with it then I'd be happy to answer!'' Shizu smiled and politely exclaimed to Yumeko as they went inside. After making them both a drink, Yumeko cleaned the area a little bit, given how messy it was. 

While she was busy, Shizu nudged Yuna's shoulder and whispered, ''Aren't you glad you talked to her again?'', Yuna smiled and whispered back, ''She needs to earn a lot of my trust back... but she is still my mother and I still love her, despite her flaws.''.

Despite having just made up mere moments ago, Yuna and Yumeko soon acted like good friends as Yuna caught her up on every bit of drama and gossip that she's found throughout the years in Sakura High School.

And that is how Yuna Shiomi grew up to be the Queen of Drama that she is today.

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