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"Come on, Kendra... Pick up the phone," Sarah muttered as she typed furiously on her cellphone. "What the hell is going on?"

Sitting cross legged on Kendra's bed, Sarah sent another text message before hitting speed dial for the phone number again. As she pressed the phone to her ear and listened to it ring, Sarah's eyes went to the television again. The news stations and her cell phone were going crazy with stories and alerts about the school. Pictures of her high school being surrounded by police cruisers and SWAT vans filled the screen as officers ran towards and students ran away from the burning building. There was a massive hole in the wall that looked like a tank had driven through it. The bottom of the screen had alerts flying past: "Richard Pinneman High School arson attack." "Object crashes into school and starts fire." "FBI and SWAT converge on demolished school, shots fired."

But the thing that frightened Sarah most was the picture at the top corner of the screen. Under the word "ABDUCTED" was a picture of Danny! The reporter was saying that Danny was the latest victim of the spree of kidnappings that had been happening in town. He had been taken off the street by two assailants who were seen driving to the school. From her own investigating, Sarah got messages from other students who had seen Edward from the wrestling team and Anthony, Danny's ex-boyfriend, taking the boy into the school and disappearing. Sarah knew both of them were perverts and stalkers of Danny, and she was terrified of what they might do to them.

"Pick up the phone, Kendra!" Sarah barked into the answering machine of Kendra's cell. She'd probably get a beating for her harsh messages, but Sarah didn't care.

She knew what Kendra was now. Her and her family. Sarah knew Edward and Anthony weren't the kidnappers who had been plaguing town for the last few months. The real kidnappers were supernatural and devious. They were too smart and too skilled to be caught so easily, and that's why they still hadn't been. Those two boys would take the blame for everything the Richardson trio had done. Not that Sarah cared, the human girl only cared about learning more about them. What they were. What they could do. Their magic.

After spying on them and seeing some of the things they could really do, Sarah had done a bit of research and come upon some interesting pieces of folklore and fables. The kinds of things that only showed up in TV shows as the monsters of the week. But now she knew they were real. Tailypo, werewolf like beasts with incredible strength, nearly invulnerable fur, and the ability to eat pretty much everything. Poltergeists, spiritual beings similar to ghosts that can take solid forms and manipulate the real world with telekinetic power. And Voodoo, which had been Sarah's first attempt at dabbling in the mystical arts. She still felt bad about what she had done to Donnie at the pool party. The possession was just to confirm that this magic stuff was real. But when Donnie went and attacked Kendrick and then made a giant ghostly shadow-man, Sarah realized that these things needed to be handled delicately. And when Kendra confronted her for the possession, Sarah was on her knees in an instant, begging to learn more about this mysterious world.

And Sarah had a lot of questions for Kendra to answer. At the moment, the most important of them would be...

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" Sarah screamed at the TV.

"Stop your yelling already!" Kendra groaned as she came into the bedroom. Sarah could hear the hustle and bustle outside of the door of her brothers and their spouses. "I got your messages, I got your texts. I got it all. But something's don't require an immediate response! Because our family takes courses of action! You're gonna piss off my mother with all that shouting and cursing."

Sarah gulped as she was walked into a corner by the growling girl. She had just been worried about her friend and still learning her place in this decision she had made. Following this family of beasts. This was something that couldn't easily be taken back if at all. The strange mix of emotions had Sarah silent. Kendra sighed and pulled the girl in for a hug.

Forever Trapped with Him (NSFW MATURE BXBXB) 🚧UNDER CONSTRUCTION🚧Where stories live. Discover now