Orlin Left...

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After a long day of recording videos, all I wanted was to... fuck Orlin's bussy but of course, he hates me. But he doesn't know that I'm having an affair with papa smurf, the way he crease my chest once were about to make love j-just makes my baby carrot go so hard. But after we finish making love all the affection towards us go's away and behaves as if we are strangers ...  I hated that feeling. 

But earlier today when I was at papa smurf's house he got mail, I thought it was some bills but once I looked at him again his face turned white as a ghost... It looked as if he saw a vision of his deaf, but he did. I walked my way to him and look at the mail. It turned out that it was from the government, apparently, all men must go to war... I-I didn't what to say, but then I realized if I have gotten the letter...

I came quickly to my car hoping that this must not be real... As soon I got home and looked at my mailbox... I got the damn letter but this wasn't the worse part I've totally forgotten if Orlin was home. It looked like he took all his belongings and left, damnit he had two excuses to leave this hell now. I knew where he was going he was going back to his homeland  

A week later...

There I was packing my belongings... I   just wanted to disappear from there on. I wasn't prepared at all, I felt as if I was invited to my own funeral but I had no choice...

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