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       All the casts of Bad buddy series were standing in the back stage. Next will be their series announcement. Nanon is very nervous and he is fidgeting his hands. This is his first ever BL series. He never discriminate the types of stories he act in. Every series is same to him if he likes the plot but he is gonna be on the stage as an BL actor and he is worried about his fans reaction. He didn't think much when he said ok to this series because there are two people related to this series who he really wants to work with, one is P'Aof his favorite director, Nanon likes all of his works. Next is his best friend Ohm who always impress him through his acting. He is now deep thinking of what to say when the MC ask questions.

        When Nanon was deep in thought, someone is watching him without blinking and that is non's pair and best friend Ohm. This stage is not new to Ohm, he had already acted in many BLs but he can understand the feeling of Nanon. He had already been in that position, this world of samesex couple series can help us gain lots of popularity because it is different genre from straight series and it gets lots of attention. At the same time,it leads to creation of lots of controversies. The fans can only see the smiles, laughter and fanservice of the actors and sometimes they fail to see the struggles that those actors face in this field. When he started acting in bls, he also faced many problems, at that time his family and friends had been with him. Now he wants to be their for his Nanon. He walked towards Non and held his fidgeting hands. Non was startled and looked up to see the dazzling face of Ohm that is shining. He knows that the shine is because of makeup but he cant help but stare at him.

    Non, I am here.

Those are very simple words but it immediately cleared the cloudy feeling in non's heart. When ohm said that words while holding his hands, he thought that he can face anything that comes their way if ohm is with him.

    Don't worry. Just speak what you want. I am here for you. Ok.

    Ok. Non said smiling.

  Ohm's eyes reflected the confidence he has on Non. Non thought that he can do anything if he can see that eyes. They were staring at each other. Then P'Aof voice brought them out of the trance.

   Ohm Nanon, go to the lifter below the stage. Our trailer is telecasting now.

Both of them went below the stage and stood on the lifter. They both stood facing each other and continued their staring. They feel easy and relieved when they stare at each other. Suddenly Non hit on Ohm's head.

    Ouuu.. Why did you hit me?

    When i see you, i feel like hitting you. So,
I hit you.

    Do you feel like hitting or....

   Should i hit you again?

   Go on.. Hit me.. Hit me..  Ohm bowed his head and instigated Non to hit him.

    Stoppp... We will be on the stage now.

Both of them laughed at themselves on how they are serious one second and become playful next second.

   What, now you are not nervous? Ohm asked Non.

   Why am i going to be nervous when you are with me here? Nanon smirked.

   They got signalled that they will be going up on stage now. They stared at each other while nanon is smirking and the lifter slowly went up. When they got on the stage, the sounds of fan reached their ears which once again got them out of their staring contest. They walked to the centre stage, then other casts and director came to the stage from backstage and stood beside them. Ohm and Nanon smiled by seeing the cheers from the audience which really boosted them to give their best for those audience. Then the MC asked question to the director about the plot of the series. P'Aof beautifully explained the plot without giving out any major infos about the series. Then the MC asked question to Non.

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