Irish crossed her arms, "I think the best way we need to do is to let you get away from that cottage and find a new place for you to stay."

I let out a sigh, "Bestie, it's not the cottage's fault. Besides, I'm already living there for a week now. Nothing unusual."

Damn, I lied again. Everything about the cottage is indeed fine except those painful screaming by a man, which I always wake up. And I cry and shake in fear because the screams makes me oddly cry in sadness.

At the back of my head, I have plans to do. I need to check where does the violent knocking and screaming sounds come from.

I'm not going to sleep tonight.

<Back at the cottage, 12:10am>


I woke up again by the same painful screaming again. I'm not scared anymore and I am trying to feel what does the screams want to convey. The screams filled the entire bedroom. All I can hear is a man being brutally tortured... he's crying in agony and screaming in pain.

But suddenly the screams become even more louder and painful. I hugged my knees as I tried to sink in. I even covered my ears and try not to hear those screams for my heart won't take it anymore.

His screams makes me cry.

Who is it...?

After a few minutes, the screaming stopped. I let out a sign in relief but I know it's not over yet...

As expected, someone started banging on the main door again.

My heart started beating faster. I knew these screaming or knocking starts at 12:10am at night. But every night, the duration of these disturbing sounds are getting longer than the previous ones.

This time, instead of going downstairs and try to approach the door, I won't be coming down. I covered my ears with my hands again as I tried to avoid the knocking sound. But no matter how I tried to avoid it, the knocking turned even more louder and violent.

After five minutes straight of knocking sounds, it finally came to a stop. I slowly removed my hands from my ears to hear if there is any sound can be heard again.

Now it's dead silence. Not even a dog bark sound or a cricket.

I sighed in relief thinking that I can sleep in peace now.

But hell, no... I was wrong.

I suddenly felt something like a thick liquid dropped on my forehead. I touched it and it was dark in color but I couldn't see it clearly in the dark.


is this....

... blood...?

So I looked up above me...

As I did that, I let out a horrifying scream...

I saw a lifeless body of a boy hanging from the big ceiling fan above of my bed...
My blood ran cold through my veins and my heart was pounding loudly and fast. I couldn't even look at the body but I know it's still there.

I tried to run but I tripped on to something and I ended up falling on the cold floor of the bedroom. And when I looked up again where the big ceiling fan was, the body was not there anymore. It disappeared all of a sudden.

House Number 1210Where stories live. Discover now