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Lee was now in a large forest, they were trying to escape the feeling of being watched but she could never find anyone. She had the feeling ever since she put the necklace on.

As she was thinking she had started to wander off off the path In the trees. Once they realized their mistake she knew she would just have to wonder until she found a path or people.

Just the Lee heard laughing in the distance. Quickly she broke into a sprint towards the sound. When they finally got the clearing she saw two beings laughing, one gnome, and a frog shifter. Lee stood there catching their breath looking at the mushroom covered clearing.

"Um hello I don't mean to disturb, but I appear to be a little lost. Do you mind pointing me in the direction of a path?" Lee said stepping out of the tree line and into the clearing. "Oh sure, in fact we can show you the way." The gnome said jumping off a huge mushroom. "Thank you so much, um what are your names may I ask." Lee asked a little worried at the strong sent of shrooms coming from the gnome. "Oh that's simple I'm Maggie and, IM A FAIRY PRINCESS!" The gnome now named Maggie said. Her long dress swaying as she said it. "And I'm Elie." The frog shifter said in a Hispanic  accsent. There green overalls falling on one side as they stand up, revealing a lighter green shirt underneath.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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