Chapter 2

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A/N: I hope you guys all liked the first chapter :) I have 5 chapters completed already so I will post as needed. Thanks for supporting me! -m

Emily's POV:
I wake up to my alarm at 8:30 sharp. Ugghhh so early.

I know today is an important day so i get out of bed and eat breakfast. "Are you excited for your big audition?" My mom asks. "You bet!"

After i finish eating i go upstairs and change. Im wearing white short shorts with a floral red cami top and summery wedges.

I pull back a peice of my front hair with a bobby pin and spray a little hairspray so it stays.

I get my phone and folder with my audition stuff in it, and head downstairs.

Mia's POV:
Getting out of bed was surprisingly easy this morning. Must be from all the excitement!

I change into a salmon colored skater skirt, a white crop top and a black leather jacket. I pull back a lock of hair from either side and pin them together at the back of my head, with a matching salmon color bow.

I put on my sandals and took one last look in the mirror and took a deep breath.

HONK HONK my mom honked the car to let Emily know we were at her house.

I see her coming out and she gets in the car "hey girl!! You ready?" I ask her "more then ever" she responded.

We drove to the audition place.

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