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Chapter 8:

everyone was going to the trip, even the topper jaehyuk, the busy man jeongwoo and the introvert who had no interest in school trips, haruto.

jeongwoo had got his form signed as he didn't want to disappoint the expectant. yedam squealed, "am i seeing park jeongwoo!?"
jeongwoo rolled his eyes and shook his head, "it's his twin jeonshik"
everyone started laughing on jeongwoo's dumb joke.

the teacher asked jeongwoo to take the attendance, jeongwoo called out for everyone.
"jeongwoo, okay, i am present too"

yedam shook his head, "you're jeongshik", jihoon laughed. "stop annoying me, i'll mark you absent"
"don't you dare mark him absent!", jihoon said as he stood up.

jeongwoo rolled his eyes, they all laughed.

junkyu raised his hand while sipping on his juice, jeongwoo smiled at the cute sight. haruto snatched the juice pack from junkyu and started sipping, jeongwoo was confused and continued with the attendance. haruto made a disgusted face and handed it back to junkyu.

"so, why did you come all of a sudden?"
"yeah i didn't think you'd come"
yedam and jihoon talked.

"because of you guys", jeongwoo winked. jaehyuk rolled his eyes and shouted, "it's because of chaeyoung!"
jeongwoo glared at jaehyuk, jaehyuk shrugged and said, "what? she was sad that day, that's why you changed your mind didn't you?"

jeongwoo didn't reply and shouted, "everyone stand in a queue, we're leaving"
jihoon leaded everyone to the bus and went inside first, choosing the best window seat and kept his bag beside him to save one for yedam.

jeongwoo stood beside the door, waiting for everyone to get inside. it was supposed to be a shared bus for their and chaeyoung's class. jeongwoo got inside when everyone had sat, jeongwoo looked around to find a seat.

"park jeongwoo, here"
"oh, you saved me a seat?"
"obviously, i don't have any other friends"

jeongwoo smiled at the thoughts of his old memories. jeongwoo looked back to see haruto sitting with junkyu at the last seat beside jaehyuk and doyoung. there was a bit of space left, jeongwoo approached the last seat when the teacher said, "jeongwoo make everyone else from the other class sit first", jeongwoo nodded. chaeyoung got in with a frown which soon turned to a smile after seeing jeongwoo.

jeongwoo smiled back and helped her find a seat. after everyone was seated, jeongwoo said, "let's all enjoy everyone!"

chaeyoung raised her hand, "you can sit here". jeongwoo nodded, everyone started cheering, the teacher stood up and glared at them.

jeongwoo and chaeyoung sat in front of jihoon and yedam. chaeyoung being a foody started eating as soon as the bus started.

jeongwoo closed his eyes, he felt chaeyoung laying down a bit. he cleared his throat as a smile formed on his lips, jeongwoo cleaned the bits of food beside her lips, the bus was very noisy, jihoon took out his phone and took pictures of them from the space in between the seats.

yedam held jihoon's hand and controlled his laugh. jihoon sent the pictures in the class group. everyone from their class checked their phones, junkyu rolled his eyes and took a popcorn out of his packet, aiming at chaeyoung from far. junkyu threw it at her and looked outside the window.

chaeyoung got up and shouted, "who the hell-"
good aim, junkyu.
jeongwoo pulled her down. junkyu made an annoyed face.

haruto started coughing, "miss, haruto isn't feeling good". the teacher looked back worriedly, jeongwoo got up and nodded at the teacher.

"chaeyoung-ah, i'll be back?"

jeongwoo went towards the last seat, he was holding the second last seat when the driver suddenly pulled the break, jeongwoo was about to fall on his head but haruto held his tie, he pulled him back and coughed. jeongwoo stood up straight holding hands with haruto.

yedam cleared his throat loudly from afar. junkyu said, "you should sit here", making little space between him and haruto. haruto shook his head, "he seems busy-" he coughed.

"i'll go sit with chaeyoung", jaehyuk said running to the front. everyone moved, jeongwoo sat in between of haruto and junkyu.

"did you give him candy?", jeongwoo asked, junkyu nodded. "orange flavored?", junkyu nodded again. jeongwoo texted jihoon and a flying bag came to their seat within a few seconds.

he took out his bottle and handed it to haruto. haruto looked at him in confusion. "it's warm tea!"
haruto nodded and drank it. his cough was away soon.

jeongwoo got up, junkyu pouted, "you should sit here-"
"we're stopping by, i want to go to the washroom, i'll be back"

the bus had stopped for a break, as jeongwoo came back everyone had switched seats. jeongwoo sighed and smiled.

yedam and jihoon were at the back ganging up with the other boys. jeongwoo smiled at chaeyoung who was now sitting with her friend.

jeongwoo got back to see the space left for him, haruto moved leaving the window seat for him. junkyu hitted haruto slightly, haruto glared at him. jeongwoo sat beside haruto.

it was getting dark, the boys started reciting horror stories to each other. junkyu held haruto's hand tightly. haruto made an annoyed face. jeongwoo was a bit scared when jihoon surprised him all of a sudden, jeongwoo held his chest in surprise, closing his eyes. he clung onto haruto, everyone laughed.

haruto placed his arm around jeongwoo's shoulder assuring him he was there.

the bus stopped by in the middle of the night, jeongwoo closed the window as it was windy outside. jeongwoo glanced at haruto who was sleeping on his shoulder, holding his arm. jeongwoo looked at haruto's calm face, which was very rare to see, he always had an annoyed or an angered face, but now he seem relaxed, dozed off into a dream world.

jeongwoo tossed a bit as his arm was numb, their faces were now closer, the spark could be felt. jeongwoo tried not to move, haruto was a heavy sleeper, he didn't wake up because of small movements. their was a sudden speedbreaker.

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