Ahhh! there's too much! I can't remember them all!" He said while clutching his head with both hands.

"Thank you for the information" I slightly bowed to him.

Eventually, we got to the end of the forest and now walking beside a beautiful river, clean water full of energetic fish-like creatures.

Rue and I walked beside it.

"Say, Rue... Why did you invite me with you to the market?"

Breaking the peaceful silence I spoke.

I wanted it to last a bit more but, I must know what he's up to.

"hmm?" He casually glanced at me and said as he put up two fingers " Two reasons"

I raise a brow

"First one, I was tasked to keep an eye on you."

"I see... What's the second reason?"

"I wanted you to come with me to the market so that you could choose which clothes you like"

"But, I don't have any money." Tilting my head in confusion.

"I know" He replied squinting his eyes towards the cliff in front.

"Then why?"

"Kiyotaka look! It's a Bahrl Jay!" pointing in its direction he screamed in excitement.

I turned my head in the direction he was pointing and saw a bird-like creature but bigger.

"Bahrl jay?" its a wierd name .

"Yea! Bahrl Jay!, They are an avian species native to the Ionian island region of Bahrl. They are quite active during the morning and they have a melodic song like chirps!"

"Oh, I see... they do look wonderful"

"It is rare seeing them in these parts of Ionia, so I was surprised to see one"


"What is it now, Rue?"

"Look above the clouds!" His eyes sparkled like a kid receiving gifts at Christmas..

"What the... is that a flying fish?" I guess in a world full of mana these types of things exist.

"Close but, no. They are called Cloud Drinkers, Large fishes that use their long fins as wings. These white-scaled creatures live in high altitudes, consuming nutrients from the clouds. " Stating as he kept his eyes on the large fish.

Then it sang? yes, it sang.

Its voice could be heard from miles away. Long, low waves of sounds rippling from sky to hillside, each as formless and strange as the afternoon clouds.

Ionia really has a variety of animals huh? No, this world is like a fantasy novel. Everything from the plants to the land itself. What can I say? It's too remarkable. I never actually saw this place's wildlife, I can't believe I didn't run into one until now.

Rue kept talking about how the cloud drinker got so close while we continued to walk towards our destination.

However, the appearance of massive stone golems made me halt my steps.

Rue noticed this and ask.

"You okay?" He said as he followed my gaze.

"Luonn Kons!! Kiyotaka! let's get closer!" He grabbed my hands and dragged me towards the rocky creatures.

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