Chapter 1: c-c-c-c-c-confession?!

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barry b benson was excitedly walking to his next class, which was history. he despised history, but this time was different... because shrek-senpai was his my class! as he walked in, his eyes darted across the room, until he found him. shrek-senpai's long, fluttering eyelashes made barry b benson's heart beat faster than me doing ur mom, and his lime green skin was as flawless as ever. wait... there was a seat available next to him! barry thought giddily, as he rushed over and sat in his chair. he stole a glance at shrek, which was met with shrek-senpai's glittering emerald eyes, staring right back. barry b benson flushed a bright red, and quickly turned his head.
'w-w-ww-wwhwat was t-tt-that??!?!!' barry b benson thought, 'hes so beautiful...'

History finished in a flash, but barry spent most of the period peeking at shrek-senpai, then blushing and jumping in his chair, the fluttery feeling lingering in his heart.

as barry b benson headed out, he felt a hand grab onto his. it was.... shrek-senpai's hand?!?!?!
"A-a-a-aah!! U--u-u-um hello shss-s-shrek senpapi... ccc-c-c-can i help you?" barry stuttered, at a loss for words.
"you can help me with deez nuts xD lol" shrek said brightly, pulling barry's hand.
'AAAAA!!!!!h-h--hhes seriously so cute!!!!' barry b benson thought ot himself, sighing in happiness. shrek stopped, after a few minutes of running with barry.
suddenly, they reached the secret little alleyway, when shrek kabedonned him.
"E-E-EEE-EH?!?!! S-S-S_SSSSSHREK-SENPAI??!?!!" barry b benson shrieked, as he could feel his face get warm.

"barry-chan... there's something i need to tell y-" shrek started, until he was interrupted by the schools pa system, which had started playing a song...
'wait, this beat sounds familiar!' barry thought to himself, and thats when it hit him. as the first lyrics started, his heart started thumping louder than ever.
it was balls in yur jaws! barry could hardly contain his excitement. this song was so romantic, and barry's feelings for shrek-senpai only ran deeper. the song almost made him cry, as he could feel the emotion in the lyrics.
"aha-a-heem cough cough as i was saying barry-chan! listen, i....... I L-L-L-L-L-LLLIKE YOU OK?!?!!" shrek said all of a sudden. balls in yur jaws set the perfect atmosphere, and the flowing cherry blossoms made this moment stop.
'was i dreaming?' barry thought to himself, 'if only time would stop...'
"I LIKE YOU TOO!" barry blurted out, a smile spreading across his face.
"O-O-O-O-OOHEMGEE.... BARRY B BENSON-CHAN I DIDNT KNOW YOU FELT THAT WAY TOO..,.,.,UWU" shrek replied, blushing as well. the wind blew my hair, and i could feel shrek leaning in.
'w-w-w-whwhawt was about to happen?!?!' barry thought, closing his eyes.
shrek leaned in, and kissed barry b benson.uwu

the sweet sound of balls in yur jaws, the flowing cherry blossoms that went on for miles, the people pissing like 5 feet away from us and the childe cardboard cutout i could spot with my eyes across the field, all of these things made me love shrek even more with each passing second.

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