Chapter 3: The Grave

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They both saw the town and witches.

"Phew, that took awhile." Canteen sluggishly walked while panting.

"Allow me to go in first, ever since the massive hate on Witches the town has gotten strict." Julia sped towards the town, "I will come back for you! Wait here!" Canteen nodded and trusted Julia.

She made it to the town panting as well. It is an unnaturally structured town with colored and symbolized blankets on the windows, flowers on the side of the charcoal pathways, the house itself is made out of dried leaves, all of it strange but very nicely put together.

One of the Witches with a long sickle looked surprised at Julia, "The princess has arrived home!" The sickle wielding witch-guard shouted with glee with a smile, everyone looked to greet Julia and gave hugs and welcomed her.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" Julia smiled while shaking hands with the locals.

"If you excuse me I must grab my companion." Julia bowed and excused herself, some understood and some was curious as to who was the companion.

Canteen was sitting on the floor enjoying a snack he pulled from his leathery backpack.

"Julia!" Canteen shot up and embraced Julia as well.

"Canteen, I need you to listen. I need you to stand close to me and give me your sword. The Witches are kind, but they won't know how to deal with non-witches...especially with the hatred from the king." Julia grabbed the shoulders of Canteen, making it clear for him to understand.

He nodded and gave the sword to her. "I get it"

Julia thanked him for the trust and began to show him slowly to the witches.

"He's friendly, he's my companion!" Julia softly said to the Witches around the town waiting.

"No need for violence, we are not being threatened!" Julia held the hand of Canteen, proving to the civilians that he is safe and friendly.

The guards of the city went back to sitting down when they all realized he was not a threat, still was staring at him to make sure he is not scheming anything.

Canteen awkwardly waved his hand at the locals while smiling. "I never had this much attention, it's a little embarrassing." He chuckled next to Julia holding her arm.

"This is absolutely necessary, had you shown up with a sword and unannounced you would've been thrown in Rect-noir." Julia still held the hand of Canteen while walking slowly towards the town.

"Rect-noir? Is that a form of execution?" Canteen said quickly as his eyes widened.

"No, it's a place like a prison for Witches." Julia continued to slowly walk with Canteen, nearly close.

A male Witch comes out with a long metal rod. "Shh" Julia said to Canteen suddenly

"It is a great honor to see you princess, however the Queen wouldn't appreciate the...traveler." The Witch Guard said, as he looked at her with utmost respect.

"My mother would understand." Julia said, with no worry.

"Yes my lady." The Witch bowing down to Julia and then looking menacing at Canteen.

"In great apologies, we are in high guard for a reason. Our king has been killed by the purifiers, organized by our enemy's king."

"Is the king's name, Alexander?" Canteen regretted the moment he said the king's name.

The witch's metal rod tip transformed into a long thin blade, "Are you a purifier?" Shouted the Witch guard.

"No! No! He's friendly, he's not dangerous. Instead, he saved my life!" Julia took out her hand, the guard's blade was pointed at Canteen. 

The guard's blade drew lower. "Is this true, my lady?"

"I am telling the truth." Canteen said as he was shivering behind Julia.

The guard's blade retracted, he quickly bowed and apologized to the now petrified Canteen. He then turned to look the Julia.

"The queen, your mother, is waiting for your arrival. I strongly urge you to show up sooner than later." The male Witch placed his metal rod in the sheath on his back.

Julia nodded and understood, she reluctantly left with Canteen to meet her mother.

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