Ottoman-Italian war

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Ottoman Empire pov

Oil... In my land?! I quickly began to colonize the Arabian peninsula and killed the Arabian tribe that was next door to me. I then began to set up huge oil fields where oil was to help me boost my economy and army. I then used this to send rebels to Libya as pissing off Italy is better than pissing off France or Britain. I smiled as the rebels revolted from their Italian leaders with the Italians fighting them. I then threatened intervention unless they let Libya go. The Italians denied this, so I sent my new navy and army to help combat the Italians. I smiled as after 4 months of my army clashing with the Italains in Libya the rebels and us kicked the Italians out of Libya. I also smirked as I secretly sent a successful naval invasion of one of their colonies in the horn of Africa. This encouraged the Italians to surrender.

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