166.The devil of my death

Start from the beginning

"Suit yourself"she turned around and walked back to her car.Cillian kept his intimidating gaze on her the whole time,eyeing her until she was in the car.

He shook his head and walked to his car sitting inside quickly because he was getting late already.

But some part of him was trying to stop him.Something about this girl was off.It was doing something to him and he didn't know what.

"God"he sighed and started his car back up racing it on full speed and driving to his office that he was already late for by some mysterious yet beautiful woman.

Y/n reached her office at last.She opened the glass door to the office and walked inside.She liked the fact that the place was lively and very well decorated.

Y/n walked to the reception counter where more than four receptionists were on calls,on there headsets.The woman in front looked up

"Good morning ma'am how may I help you?"she smiled politely

"Yes hi I'm the new director.Y/n l/n"the receptionist immediately got up from her seat

"Sorry maam.Right here please"the receptionist leaded her to her office and she tagged along behind her.

The receptionist opened the door to her office and y/n thanked her before she left.The office was neat and nice.The decor was fancy but it still looked comfortable.There was a large window at the back of her table and chair

Y/n sighed and closed the door behind walking to her table.She picked up a file kept on her table and opened it.

It had her schedule written on it with some terms and agreements of the company and introduction to the important people of the company

Y/n filled through the pages but stopped at the CEO page.She looked at the name written of the person who was the ceo

"Cillian Murphy"she mumbled to herself tracing her finger across the name.She nodded and leaned back on her chair getting prepared for the long day she had today.

Just then she heard a knock on her door and a young woman peeped inside.

"Good morning Mrs l/n"

"It's just miss"y/n smiled at her and asked her to come in.The assistant was surely surprised as too how a woman this beautiful didn't have a husband (well it just wasn't important)

"Sorry.Miss l/n I'm Stephanie and I'll be your new assistant.I assure you I'm going to do your work perfectly without a single problem"y/n smiled at her nervousness and calmed her down

"Very well Stephanie.I'm happy to work with you.Let's get started,tell me what I have now"y/n stood up from her seat and the assistant followed behind

"You have a meeting with the other directors,the Vice President and president and of course the CEO"they got out of her office and she took her to the conference room

"Ah yes,Some guy named cillian Murphy right?"she put her hands in her pockets causally but stopped on her tracks when her assistant did.She turned around with a nervous look on her face

"What?"y/n asked furrowing her eyebrows not being able to understand the sudden panic that went on Stephanie's face

"He-he's just a scary man.Beautiful I have to say but scary at the same time.Sometimes his eyes change colour with his emotions.There blue like the ocean but can turn to red like blood"she said in a shaky tone.Y/n chuckled and shook her head

"That's ridiculous.It's okay I'll be easy with him"y/n shrugged and walked past Stephanie.She saw the conference room 'C'that she had to go in.

Y/n could hear some men and women talking inside.She opened the wooden doors to the room and walked in.The group of directors all turned to her

"Good morning everyone"she said very calmly.The men all chattered again and walked to her to shake her hand

"It's going to be a pleasure to work with you Miss y/n"a man shaked her hand.She smiled at him and greeted everyone

"Mr Murphy would be delighted to meet you"the Vice President shook her hand and said.She opened her mouth to say something but the doors of the room burst open.Y/n felt a chill run down her spine as she turned her head to see who walked in

Cillian's and y/n's eyes went wide in shock and there mouths opened a gap

"You!"y/n shouted

"And you!"he said back

"You're the ceo?!"

"What gave me away?"

"Jesus Christ"

"Oh ya like he's going to help you!"

"You both know each other"the Vice President asked.His name was Patrick Bateman(yes I know what you're thinking)

"Well let's just say we got off on a rock start"y/n eyed him up and down in anger.

"What rocky-

"Can we just start the meeting?"cillian rubbed his temples and sighed.Everyone nodded and sat down on there seats.

Y/n huffed and sat down on her seat.Her body was boiling with anger at the thought of him working with her.Well she thought It was just anger but it might've been something else

"Good morning everyone.Welcome to the directors conference.Today we have a special person among us.Miss y/n l/n"Jake,the guy who was presenting today pointed at y/n with a smile

"She was the director at toshiba intelligence,google and now she'll be serving us here at our company"everyone clapped but cillian just rolled his eyes.

"Now let's get started with the meeting"he nodded and started on with his presentation

An hour went by and the meeting was over.Y/n was still busy meeting other people at the company.She managed to walk out of the conference room to get a breath but someone stopped her right outside the door

"I think I should jump from the roof knowing that you're going to be working with me"Cillian said nonchalantly.Y/n turned her head and stared at the man leaning against the wall.

"Go ahead I'll join you.It's not a delight working with you too"she scoffed and he chuckled darkly

"You'll have to be careful here Miss l/n.Not everyone likes to talk that way to me"he whispered close to her face,her familiar scent reached his nose,and he could just smell that hot anger radiating off her and it just made her so much more intimidating

He was regretting walking so close to her.

"Well I really do Mr Murphy.I assume you've met your match"she whispered coyly and walked past him eyeing him till the end

Cillian's eyes changed colour for a second to scarlet red but he blinked and gained his composure again growling at the end in anger.But like I said,it was definitely more than that

Oh this was going to be fun.

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