Chapter 14

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It started to pour heavy rain.

"I don't understand what's happening.." said Emiko to herself.

Emiko ran home and went to her room.. She called Hina. "Hi.. Emiko?"

"Hina..I remember everything" she said sobbing. "Oh my.. Emi I'm so sorry I wanted to do what was best for yo-"

"I want to be with Mikey" she said crying uncontrollably. "Ah.. it can't be helped.. go meet him."

"We got into a huge fight." Emi said. "Then he'll find you soon." "What?"


"oh uh Hina I'll call you back..." "She's not calling me back" said Hina.

Emi goes and opens the door.."You came all the way here? It's raining, your wet. " she asked the blonde boy in front of her. "I had to see you." he said.

"I think I was being to harsh.. I didn't even try to think of how you must be feel-

"Is what you said true? You don't love me anymore?" said mikey while glaring at her.

"I..That's not true." she said embarresed. Mikey grabs her and collides his lips with hers. He pushed her inside and shuts the door behind him. They fall on the couch.. and didn't break their kiss once. "I..don''" said Mikey struggling between every kiss. "Shut up and continue." said Emiko.

They go on all night doing their business.

it's morning and they're laying next to each other. Emiko wakes up and goes to the bathrom not minding the fact that she is naked. "I need a bath." she said to herself while filling up the water. She then gets in and enjoys the water. Someone walks in.. "MIKEY I'M NAKED" yelled out emiko while starring at the also naked boy. "Ok" he said while getting in. "Uh..What are you doing?" she asked nervously. "Taking a bath."

"When I remembered everything.. I wanted to be with you right away." she said while hiding her face. "Ah is that so?" said mikey.. he pulls her towards him.. now her back is towards him while barely being centimeters away from each other. "I'll get rid of Sanzu"

"Don't kill him. We'll call the police."

"I don't live like that and you know that. Even if we get the police involved I'll get arrested too, everything I've done is illegal" he said while kissing her bare shoulder.

Emi turns around pouting. "What? stop making that face." Mikey said.

"We'll call the police and figure something out.."


"If you kill him how will we able to have a future together?" Emiko asked. Mikey eyes widdened. "Future?"

"I want to have a family with you Mikey." Emiko said while hugging him in the water.

"We'll figure it out" said Mikey hidding his smile. "You promise?" she asked him cutely. "I promise babe." he said giving her a kiss on the cheek.


Past couple of weeks Emiko and Mikey were seeing each other secretly. Only people who knew were Draken and Hina. Draken and Mikey were trying to figure out a way to get rid of Sanzu.

At the old Toman hideout. "Oi Ken-chin did you talk to the lawyers?" asked Mikey. "Mhm. it's not looking too good." "what are we going to do."

"Mikeyyyyy are you here?" says a familair voice. "SHIT what is she doing here?" Mikey yells out. "This is bad." says Draken concerned.

"Oh here you are.. I have to talk to you." She said happily. "Emi you have to leave." "What? I just got here" she said.

Mikey gets up and is forcefully dragging her out. "Stop that hurts." she said annoyed. "Emi! Sanzu is coming right now you have to leav-" Suddenly something fell out of his pocket.

"MIKEY! What are you planning to do!?" Emiko yells out while grabbing the object.

"Don't touch that I can explain" says Mikey while snatching the gun out of her hands. "Mikey what happened to having a future together?" says Emiko upset. "It's not what it looks like. Trust me right now and leave." He says with that evil look in his eyes. He hides the gun.. they hear foot steps.

"Now would you look at this boss!" Says Sanzu while walking in with that evil grin he had 6 months ago.

"you." said Emiko glaring at him. "Oh my. Oh my.. If it isn't Emiko-chan!" Sanzu says sarcastically while walking up to her. Mikey is frozen in place as well as Draken.

"Get away from Mikey." she said fierclely.

"Oh.. You remember everything? Sanzu pulls her chin up with his index finger "You gonna give me a show again like last time?"

"Oi." said Mikey. "Oh Boss you're there!" Sanzu said. "I see why you haven't been doing your work lately.. You're back with this bitch again."

"Watch your mouth." Draken said. "Oh sorry sorry.. sensitive topic."

"I have been busy with other work.. Not her." Said Mikey. "I want to believe you boss but there hasn't been any money flow.. I haven't gotten my heroine or coke."

"The dealers have been busy." Mikey said. "DON'T MESS WITH ME." yells out Sanzu. Suddenly Sanzu raises his arm and punches Emiko. Mikey runs to him and pushes him far. "DON'T TOUCH HER ASSHOLE."

Sanzu struggles to get up. "Emi are you alright? asked draken while helping her get up. "IT'S ALL HER FAULT SHE RUINED ALL MY PLANS." Sanzu pulls out a gun and shoot Draken in the legs so he can't help Emiko.


"SANZU STOP I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT BUT DON'T HURT THEM." yells out Mikey. "Oh. whatever I want? Sounds good I won't hurt them. Kill them." he says. "Huh? Sanzu I'm not doing that." "Then I will" said sanzu.

With the speed of light Mikey pulls out his gun and shoots Sanzu's gun out of his hand.

"I'm going to kill you." Said Mikey with no emtions. "boss.. I was just kidding" Said sanzu.

Mikey shoots his leg. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" yells out Sanzu in pain.

"MIKEY STOP!" yells out Emi. "Don't interfere." Mikey gave her the cold shoulder. He points the gun to Sanzu's head.

"I'M PREGNANT" Emi says on the top of her lungs.


To be continued

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