(Side Story):It's just his nature(2/2)

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She managed blocked the strike, but at the cost of her losing her balance, as her wounded arm severely limited her strength. She faltered and lost her footing, and as she tried to recover her stance, the sarkaz mercenary was already ready to strike her again. This time, she wouldn't have enough time nor strength to react, and only hoped whatever movement she made was enough to avoid the massive blade,

A deathly slicing sound suddenly filled the air,

Her eyes widened in surprise, as the blade of the sword that was about to strike her down was all of a sudden sliced clean in half by what seemed to resemble a glowing bolt of lighting piercing through the blade, with the severed blade flicked high into the air. Everyone, reunion or not, could only look in awe as the severed blade fell onto the ground, curious as to what had happened

The bolt of lightning implanted itself into the ground between them thanks to its sheer speed and force, and as its light dispersed into the air around them, it revealed underneath a black sword in the ground.

The Sarkaz mercenary quickly looked into the direction of where the sword came from, and his vision was met with a figure running towards him so fast, he didn't even realize that the person was already so close to where they were stood.

Startled by his pace, the mercenary realized that person was headed for the planted sword in the ground. He tried moving to intercept the oncoming foe, but he was far too late, as a sharp blade thrusts straight into his chest. The very same black sword that had cut clean his own blade, his own mercenary's pride.

Blood seeps onto the blade, with more being coughed out by the mercenary. With whatever strength he may have had left, his head slowly glanced downwards onto his attacker,

A skull mask covered the blade wielder's face, belonging to none other than Ghost.

The Sarkaz mercenary then slowly fell backwards onto the ground, lifeless from Ghost's blade. Though, he was just merely another enemy down, and a couple dozen more to go. Ghost, who now stood in front of the injured Cutter, was more concerned for her own wellbeing than the entire situation they were in.

"Are you alright?"

"...I'm fine"

"You don't seem like it."

Ghost then proceeded to put his left arm on the ground. Seeing what he just did to the now dead mercenary, all the other enemies stood in an alerted stance as they tried to anticipate what he was planning to do. Ghost then said to Cutter,

"Close your eyes."

An overwhelming flash of light suddenly filled the night sky, blinding every person who bore witness to it. Cutter, with her eyes closed, suddenly felt her hand being grabbed and pulled her, forcing her to run along with the one who held her hand. Startled, she opens her eyes to see it was Ghost's hand that was tightly clutching hers. Disoriented and n a confused tone, she asked

"Where are we going?!"

"Getting out of here!" Ghost replies as they kept on running. In one hand, he held firm Cutter's hand, and in the other, he held tight his pistol, firing upon any enemies they stumbled across their getaway, as well as the ones that were pursuing them from behind.

Things were looking bright for them. Ghost had already memorized the lay of the land from the time he spent looking at the map during briefing, and was already sure of their way out. But as they turned one more corner, they were suddenly confronted with a row of armored casters, forcing them to stop in their tracks.

He quickly scanned his surroundings. There were only buildings to their sides. They couldn't go anywhere, not forward not backwards. He contemplated about going in head first and fighting their way through but his concern for Cutter, who couldn't even stand up properly thanks to all the running making her tired, and not to mention her still bleeding arrow wound, planted a heavy sense of worry in his heart. He thought that if he left her now and went to engage, she wouldn't be able to defend herself against all of the pursuers that were still chasing after them.

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