• prologue •

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[5 years ago]

hongjoong and seonghwa held each other close as they laid on the roof of seonghwa's house, laughing drunkenly as they pointed at the stars. seonghwa looked at hongjoong with eyes filled with love, as if no one would ever be able to compare to the younger boy.

"what are you staring at, silly?" hongjoong giggled, noticing seonghwa's eyes on him.

"just looking at the best thing that ever happened to me," seonghwa shrugged.

hongjoong felt a blush rise to his cheeks and he cuddled into seonghwa's arms, a small smile painted on his face. this was everything he could've asked for.

"we graduate soon..." seonghwa muttered.

hongjoong nodded, staying quiet as he thought about life after high school. he dreamed of becoming an idol one day, being famous and sharing his music with the world. he spent countless days writing music, now all he wanted to do was perform it.

"have you thought about where you're going to college yet?"

hongjoong shook his head. he didn't want to go to college. he wanted to audition for a company. in fact, he had signed up for a few that were shortly after graduation already, but he had yet to tell seonghwa.

"i think i'm going to korea university. they have a good business program..."

"they do?"

seonghwa nodded.

"i'd really love to open up a cafe one day. own a place where kids like us could fall in love..."

hongjoong blushed, thinking back to when they first met. it was a rainy day in anyang, when both boys were sophomores in high school. they bumped into each other at a small cafe not far from their school, seonghwa accidentally spilling a little coffee on hongjoong's coat. the younger had said it was fine, it wasn't like there would be a stain since his coat was black, but seonghwa insisted that he make it up to him.

since then, the two had been inseparable, their friends — yunho, yeosang, san, mingi, wooyoung and jongho — constantly making bets on when the two would get together, and after they had, when they'd get married. on hongjoong's 18th birthday, they went and got small tattoos, both a little lifeline with a heart at the end. seonghwa's was on his ankle, and hongjoong's on his wrist.

hongjoong subconsciously started to trace his tattoo as he remained lost in thought, the alcohol beginning to wear off.

"you okay, joongie?"

"yeah... just thinking about the day we met."

a smile spread across seonghwa's face at these words, the older pressing a soft kiss to hongjoong's forehead.

"i love you, you know that?"

"i love you too."

the two laid in silence for a while, then suddenly, hongjoong spoke up.

"promise me that it's us against the world?"

"i promise."

hello & welcome to the one that got away :) if you're a returning reader, thank you for loving all of my work, and if you're new, welcome! i'm so happy that you decided to give my work a read!

this is going to be a ~slightly~ lighter au than my past ones have been. there will be very few triggering topics, although there are still some sad undertones.

this entire au is based off of the song by katy perry, and my interpretation of what "the one that got away" really looks like in a former lover's eyes.

there's going to be a lot of opportunity within this au for you as readers to make the decisions on what will happen for the couples in the story, which is another change from my past aus.

and finally, please always feel free to give me feedback and comments to help me better my work.

thank you so much for reading, and enjoy <3

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