Little songbird

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Cg: Bokuto and Akaashi

Little: Hinata[Hina](2 years old, Genderfluid, He/She/They/It)


Bokuto woke up early in the morning to a pained whine from another room. He groaned tiredly, making Akaashi wake up as well."You should probably get Hina. He's sick, she needs care."Akaashi encouraged groggily, slightly pushing Bokuto. The taller got out of bed in a hurry after remembering he and his boyfriend were taking care of their little crow while the team was away. Poor thing had a nasty case of a stomach bug, and they all needed someone to babysit the kid. Luckily, the fabulously awesome uncles/brothers were around and gladly agreed. Once Bokuto was fully awake after knowing that his little kiddo was sick and most likely crying, he rushed over to her particular room. It was a sort of playroom that Bokuto and Akaashi had made for their baby or any other babysitting. 

He saw the little one curled in a ball, their usually fluffy and neat hair now a tangled mess. Bokuto's heart broke at the sight of it in pain, and so he instantly lifted him up, rocking her gently."It's alright little songbird, you're okay. Baba's here, and I'll make you feel better."He assured the baby, whose cries turned into soft and confused sniffles. They lifted up its head, gasping as they saw his baba, her favorite person ever! They excitedly cuddled the bigger, nuzzling its head into Bokuto's chest. He laughed and happily showed the crow the greatest love Bokuto could ever give."Okay, little birdie, I gotta get you some goodie-good juice after I get you into your cute onesie, then you'll feel better!"He convinced the little one, who nodded in agreement and let them be carried by its baba. 

Akaashi soon saw Bokuto feeding Hina while he merrily and absent-mindedly enjoyed life. He couldn't help but smile at the little one as he walked over and rubbed her hair sweetly."Aw, someone's better, aren't they?"He softly wondered. Hina saw its Shi-Shi, and he nearly blew up. Last night, she was being driven over to somewhere by the team and they had no clue what was going on. Now, they were with its favorite people ever! He laughed, squealed, every happy noise her brain could possibly think of. They were soon given breakfast, its favorite, oatmeal with berries! He gobbled it down, excitedly waiting to start the day."Easy, baby crow. You gotta relax so you can get better, alright?"Shi-Shi told her. They pouted, crossing its arms and sticking out his tongue in a teasing manner. 

Akaashi quickly helped her out of their chair, Bokuto following suit. Akaashi sat down in the living room, asking Bokuto to get toys from Hina's room."Baby, how old are you right now?"He questioned it, who lifted up two fingers. Akaashi laughed gently, teasing Hina silently about how the two had such a small baby today. Bokuto returned with a small collection of wooden toys, stuffies, and a tiny Pokemon playset. Hina's favorite TV show was Pokemon, especially when he was in littlespace. She excitedly played with their toys, Bokuto agreeing to play with it. Akaashi watched happily, seeing his two sweethearts being the happiest lovebugs in the world. Soon, though, Hina started to tear up and hold his stomach. Bokuto quickly dropped what he was doing, comforting his baby. Akaashi looked at the time. 11:52. It was passed over ten minutes for her nap, and they were sick, so it was a double bad thing."Bokuto, it needs to go take a nap. Let's go."He insisted, soon getting Hina ready for bed. He was changed from her plain orange and red onesie to their favorite one for napping, a Vulpix one. It was set down on his bed and given a baby bottle full of warm tea. Her eyes soon became heavier and heavier, but they always needed one thing to fully rest. Bokuto and Akaashi both knew it well, and they always loved doing it. They both sat in bed with it, Bokuto holding his baby to his chest. Akaashi rested his head on Bokuto's shoulder, sweetly rubbing his face. The two sang a lullaby in harmony, rocking their baby gently. Hina rubbed her eyes, letting them close, and soon fell asleep. The couple nearly died at the sight of their little songbird being so loved and trusting, falling asleep in their arms.

"Akaashi, I love you and them so much, my heart is hurting, "Bokuto whispered, tucking in his baby and giving it a soft kiss."I just wanna spend my life with you two."He finished off his sentence, Akaashi blushing wildly. They both were easily flustered by the other, though only one would admit it. Akaashi looked again at the baby, cuddling a bird plushie and blissfully resting."I wanna spend my life with you both too."He agreed, the couple watching their baby in a gentle and loving way, holding hands."We should send a pic to his team. They'll love it."Bokuto tried to avoid being flustered out of his soul, quickly sending a picture of the baby.

[Baba sent a picture]


The dad- Aww

Jesus brother- So cute! I'm glad he's having a good time there!


Akaashi and Bokuto snuck out of the room, laughing at her team's reactions.

(Guess who's alive)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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