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Third Person POV - Atlanta Hospital - November 13th


Liam blinked his tears away and looked at his wife.

She was laying on her back and was hooked up to a numerous amount of different machines. Her head was slightly turned towards the door, facing where Liam and Blake stood.

"Fallon!" Liam cried, rushing towards the bed.

He quickly found himself hovering over Fallon's face, lightly grasping onto her limp hand. She turned her head to look at him, his eyes meeting hers, and his heart soared when their lost sparkle had returned.

They were still greyish and had yet to return to their usual striking blue, but he couldn't have been happier to see life in them again, especially since the last time he was with her they were grey clouds that swirled with death.

More tears fell from his cheek as he carefully lifted her hand to his face, softly kissing her pale skin.

He would kiss her on the lips if it weren't for the oxygen mask in the way.

She softly smiled as she gazed up at her husband.

"Hi," she said, her voice hardly making any sound.

A large smile formed on Liam's face as his tears dripped from his cheeks.

"Hi, baby."

She chuckled lightly, as if there was nothing wrong with the situation they were in.

"Are you okay? How do you feel?" he urged, longing to hear her voice some more.

She froze and stared up at him, thinking. He tilted his head to the side and waited for a response, looking at her thoughtful expression.

"I'm okay."

A short puff of air passed his lips as he smiled, and he bent down to kiss her forehead. Leaning back, he turned his gaze to Blake, who still stood by the door. With a swift movement of his head, Liam motioned for him to come over.

Almost hesitant, Blake walked over to the hospital bed and stood on the opposite side of Liam.

Slowly and carefully, Fallon looked over at him.

"Hi, dad," she whispered, raising her arm to lightly brush her fingers against his hand.

"Oh, Fallon."

He wrapped his hand around hers, being careful not to press on the IV that stuck out of it.

Her head turned back to Liam.

"I'm sorry," she said, somber.

He hovered over her face, his eyebrows crumpled together with confusion and worry. Deprived of strength, Fallon weakly lifted her free hand and rubbed her thumb along his crinkled skin, smoothing out the worry lines.

"What for?" he asked. "You didn't do anything wrong."

She smiled, the corners of her eyes slightly tilting upwards. Liam couldn't help but grin back down at her; he had missed her smile so much.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," he assured, though she didn't seem convinced.

They stared at each other for a moment, neither wanting to back down. Fallon laughed lightly and turned her attention back to her father. Before she could a get a word out, the door opened, and in walked the doctor.

"Ah, I see you're awake, Fallon," he said as he walked towards the bed.

With one quick glance at her physique, Mr. Doc nodded and turned his gaze to Liam, motioning for him to back away from the bed and take a seat.

"Now, I feel no need to go over the already stated protocol that we've been over before." He chuckled. "But I do want to go over a couple of things about the surgery and her injuries."

He pulled up a seat of his own and sat down, not too far away from Liam.

"I'll skip over all of the prepping parts and jump straight to the point. Right when we brought her into surgery, she had already..." -he cleared his throat- "died. Now, we were able to bring her back when she was being operated on, but it took a lot of strength out of her.

"We cleaned up the large wound of infection and were able to rid of any internal bleeding -much similar to the previous time she had been here- and stitched her up, all the while pumping a lot of fluid in her system. This wasn't ideal for this situation, with the concern of overflowing her senses with the fluid after being drained empty, but it was the best we could work with when she had... passed for a second time.

"However, she pulled through and we were able to finalize the surgery and get her fully cleaned up. During that process, her heartbeat failed twice more, but it quickly picked up on its own... it was as if her body was fighting against its own heart. There were no troubles after that, and we took her off of the anesthesia, and now here she is, awake and recovering.

"Now, for the sake of a safe recovery, it is required that she stay here for quite some time. Can't risk any stitches popping or a new infection flaring up. We'll keep her under close watch, but by the way things are looking, there should be nothing to worry about from here on out."

Liam smiled and nodded before returning to his wife's side. He held her hand in his once more, bringing it up to his lips. From the corner of his eye, he saw the doctor stand up and head for the door.

"Thank you for everything, doc."

Mr. Doc nodded and exited the room, softly closing the door behind him.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Fal," he said. "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you.

Again, as if she were hardly listening to what he had just said, she chuckled.

He tilted his head, confusion taking its place on his face. He quickly wiped it away, satisfied with the sound of her laugh echoing through his ears.

It was good to have her back.


"Liam? ... Liam!"

Blake nudged Liam in the shoulder after a moment of silence. He blinked, pulling himself out of whatever trance he had put himself in. He noticed that he stood in front of the door to Fallon's room, still yet to go inside.

"Are you okay? You just kinda froze up there for a second."

Shaking his head slightly, Liam looked up to Blake.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm good. I don't know what that was. Just nervous, I guess."

Blake nodded once before looking back to the door. He motioned for him to open it.

Liam took a deep breath and placed a smile on his face, excited to his wife alive again. He gripped the door handle tightly and opened it eagerly, taking swift steps into the room.


His eyes rested on the bed, and to his horror, it was empty. His eyes moved away from the abandoned sheets, and his concerned gaze settled on the seemingly open window.

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