
Helen invited us into her small yet well kept home. The only furniture seen in the house were two worn out brown couches one of which Ray and I were sitting on, an old television set, a small standing fan and a little table.

She seemed to be alone out her and I couldn't help but wonder why she was exiled in the first place..

"One thing I don't understand is what the witch would want with Felicity," Ray said all of a sudden, stopping my inspection of the room.

"That is one thing cannot tell her. Look at this." She raised the left sleeve of her sweater to reveal the tattoo of a piece of flower with two thorns.

"I promised your mother I won't tell you until it is absolutely necessary and I intend to do just that.

"The last thing I want is for you to make the same mistake she did when she found out the truth."

I almost yanked my hair out in frustration at her vagueness. It was not enough that she told me that my parents are not my real parents, now she said she wouldn't tell me what happened to my real mother.

I didn't know why I believed her and know I could trust her, I just dif. Why are mages so confusing?


"Call me Helen. I might be old in years but I don't look anywhere close to thirty," she cut in.

"Helen, I need to know why this-" I pointed to the tattoo on my arm. "-happened to me and how I can get rid of it."

I should have gone with my instinct and not spoken to Lucia when I sensed there was something wrong.

One thing I didn't understand is how everything happened afterwards. This is what trusting strangers gets me, a full body tattoo, two murders and a case to solve.

Helen thought for a while before replying. "I can't tell you what she must have made you promise her but one thing I can tell you is that no matter what you can not fulfil it."

My wide eyes found Ray who grimaced on realising my thoughts.

"She may have already killed two people, causing two tattoos to disappear."

At Ray's words, she groaned. "I don't even want to know how those people died."

I wasn't going to tell her.

"So what do we do? You won't tell us why all these things are happening and how to get rid of the tattoos."

"About the tattoo, I might be able to do something about that but you have to stay here. It's the only way I can protect you and besides, I wouldn't want you killing another person."

"Why do you want to protect me so much? I mean, you don't even know me."

For a moment, pain flashes through her hazel eyes as she looks at me. It almost looks as if she is pleading with her gaze.

"I couldn't save your mother before. She warned me about Luciana but I didn't believe her until it was too late."

A sharp pain in my jaws compelled me to realize that I have been clenching them. The need to blow off on her gripped me and I took a deep breath. I had no right.

"What was she like?" I asked instead. "My mother."

"Strong, brave, stubborn and she knew how to get herself in trouble. She was like you in every way."

"You got that one right," Ray muttered from beside me but I couldnt find it in myself at that moment to glare at him for it.

Dreading the answer, I hesitated beforer asking the next question. "How did she die?"

Helen kept mum.

"At least give me that," I pleaded, my hands moving to grab her skinny hands.

"She was drained of all blood."

My mind immediately went to the man in my room and I gasped. "That was the same way the hunter in my room was killed. Does this mean that the witch killed him?"

"I thought she didn't know about you being a hunter, what happened to the hunter's code?" Helen asked Ray, in a disapproving tone.

Ray frowned. "She was in trouble, I needed to save her life."

Helen shook her head as a knowing look appeared on her face. "Trouble always seems to find you just like your mother."

"Hey!" I exclaimed, offended and she chuckled.

"You still haven't answered my question. Is it possible that it was Lucia who killed the hunter in my room?"

She nodded. "If he was drained of all the blood in his body then yes. That move is indeed Luciana's trademark."

Ray shut up instantly. "Why are we here instead of hunting down that wench?" He growled.

Helen glanced at me with a raised brow, her lips turned down in an annoyed frown. "Why do women from your family attract the most hot headed hunters?"

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