The present

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(Rain POV)

I was sitting down alongside with Stella, Kane, Ciara. We were waiting for Sire to be free and so they can talk to him.

Stella: well, this is getting a little boring, so, how are you so far?

Ciara: Um, good?

Stella: ok, ummmm, how was our adventure in the underworld.

Kane: ok i suppose?

Rain: I really wish I didnt had to go there again I thought I whisper but turns out I said it out loud

Stella: why?

Rain: I mean, going back does bring many memories.

Ciara: like what?

Rain: I rather knot say.

Stella: oh, now I know

Kane: is it me, or does Rain reminds me of Abigail? Don't you think Ciara?

Rain: Wait, you know Abigail?

Ciara:  yeah, she was the best spy for the netherbane. She was also known as the famous archer.

Rain: How did you met her?

Kane: you know her?

Rain: yes.

Stella: is ok Rain

Ciara: why, am I missing something?

Stella: can I say it Rain?

Rain: Yeah, you may

Stella: Well, Abigail was Rain's girlfriend.

I saw how Ciara and Kane were looking each other and then looked at me

Kane: soo, you were the one she talked about

Rain: Abigail talked about me? When?

Kane: *sigh*  5 months ago.

Ciara: Wait, hasn't it been 2 years?

Kane: I lied Ciara

Rain: but the apocalypse has been 4 years and the last time that I saw her was 2 months on that same year. How is it possible is been 5 months?

Kane: Well, she has a secrets too you know? She was technically was spying on the Piglins but, turns out she was a nether princess. But, she was hoping to see you Rain, always wanting to meet you again. And turns out you were revived without her noticing about it.

I was shocked on what Kane has said. Abigail was wanting to meet me? But she was  evil

Or was she not?

Also, get rick rolled. LoL

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