Chapter 3

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"Pearl?" the soft voice of the kit-twoleg was quizzical and maybe even worried sounding. Briarsong sat and looked at her little pink bowl of her evening meal but couldn't stomach it. Looking up into her eyes, Briarsong wished she could tell the kit-twoleg she was sorry, and she appreciated her kindness. The kit-twoleg knelt down and tried to offer Briarsong the bowl of food again. When Briarsong refused she saw her smile disappear and Briarsong felt bad for making the kit-twoleg unhappy. Slowly, Briarsong left and returned to her usual room with the big roaring fire where the parent twolegs sat. 

She watched the flames lick at the logs and got lost in the memorizing colors and flickering. Where did she belong? Did she belong here with the twolegs who had been nothing but kind to her? Did she belong in the Barn with the other cats, or was she still a Medicine Cat? Where was Starclan? Why hadn't they sent for her yet? Maybe the clans were all dead? Maybe Starclan had given up on her or saw she was living like a kittypet? Why had Starclan allowed her to let Cinderstar fall and then watched as she was exiled from her own clan and forest? The thoughts were rushing through her mind like the Seeing Stream and right as she was about to get lost in her memories a feather landed in front of her and tickled her paws.

"Pearl," cooed the little kit-twoleg. She flicked a stick around and the feather twisted and jumped. Briarsong felt a biological excitement rush through her veins as she watched the feather dance. Almost without making up her mind to do it, Briarsong pounced on the feather and was overjoyed to see it bounce away and wait for her a little further off. How is she controlling that feather? She thought to herself as she launched forward and reached out eagerly to grab the toy.  Again the silly feather bounced away and mocked her just a few tail lengths away. The twolegs were all making deep grumbling sounds but when Briarsong checked on them they seemed to be enjoying the feather as much as she was. Briarsong jumped, spun, and danced just behind the feather as she raced after it feeling an excitement she hadn't felt since arriving at the twolegs. The movements felt familiar and even though she wasn't stalking real prey and it was just a silly kits game, it made her think of being a kit in the nursery with her sister Fernkit and her brother Sunkit. A warm sensation of love and remembrance washed over her as she chased the feather and the twolegs made their deep sounds and the cold night passed on by.

Her late night patrol was lonely around the twoleg home. The shadows were long and ominous, the wind made the cave itself creek, and the fire had been put out, leaving the air crisp. Briarsong longed for companionship and missed her nightly meetups with Brody and Sully. Now that it was too cold to keep the windows open, she couldn't speak to them anymore and was completely alone. Sadness washed over her and she started to visit each window, hoping to see either Brody or Sully waiting for her. With each empty view of the outside world her heart sank more and more until she faced the last opportunity to see her friends. Should she look? What it nobody was there and she was truly alone?  

Hesitantly she climbed up and looked outside. The moon was a full circle and shining brightly down on the farm brining everything to life with moonlight. And there, looking up at her was the long haired, blue eyed tom. He saw her and smiled, raising a paw in greeting. Behind him she saw Mango running after a mouse and disappearing into the barn. Brody emerged from his flock and melted away from the white sheep and joined Sully. He let out small woof of hello. His big tail started to wag and hit Sully over and over again in the head. The tom swiped at the tail but Brody didn't seem to notice one bit and woofed again at Briarsong. She could picture Sully explaining to Brody that she couldn't hear him and that he needed to put his tail away before it hurt a cat. 

From the barn one of the cats she didn't know very well, appeared to see what all the woofing was about. They padded out, light on their paws, thin and tall with a muscular form like Mountainclan cats. The cat was an orange tabby with a few white spots that shone brightly in the moonlight. From so far away Briarsong wasn't sure if it was a tom or she-cat but the cat joined Sully and Brody and the three started to talk. Feeling left out, Briarsong sat and watched as the three made conversation about something. A small bitter feeling she wasn't familiar with burned in her stomach. She sat with it a few moments before realizing it was envy. How dare Brody and Sully talk to this other cat? They knew she was all alone inside and looked forward to seeing them. The orange cat looked up at her and she couldn't tell for sure, but thought she saw pity in its green eyes.

Sully looked back up at Briarsong but she knew he couldn't sit there and watch her forever. She nodded in understanding and gently placed one paw up against the cold glass as if she could reach through and touch him. Briarsong didn't have the heart to watch him and Brody walk away so she jumped away first, and wondered once again who she was and where she belonged.

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