When the wind dies down

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How annoying. 

Sure, the admiration of his people are fine and at least some of them treated him like he was one of them, not a God (dunno about Shuna and Shion and Diablo and-- you know what? I won't even list them). But at least, they didn't keep sending him and his friends tasks to do and commissions to do when they have their own hands and feets.

I did not come here to be their errand boy. Rimuru sneered at the thought, remembering that arrogant human. 

Rimuru declined the tasked and then- that piece of shit decided to be "why are you so rude and selfish!?" throwing a bloody tantrum just because he didn't get what he wanted. 

Bloody hell, he wanted to kill that man so badly, even Veldora wanted to beat the fuck out of him. 

But, at least, in his last moments, he has the honor of being the pig for my projects. Rimuru mentally smirked. And they worked brilliantly. 

Rimuru noticed that they are talking about the strange behavior of the Hilichurls, which he already knew. The Abyss Mages played a huge part of his creations, and he'll hunt the other Abyss Mages and those Abyss Heralds. 

He needs them and he will get them. 

"Good Hunter?" Rimuru doesn't necessarily need food, but it has been a while since he has a nice meal. "Sounds good to me." 




"Here we go! This is it! Crisis! Danger! The thrill of adventure!!" Rimuru blinked in confusion as he saw Cyrus and some knights planning something..??? 

"Adventurers' Guild! Finally, our days of rescuing kittens and finding lost puppies are over! The age of adventure is upon us! Roll up, youngsters, join the Adventurers' Guild today! In this time of great upheaval, we must rally together, take on the dragon, and save our great city of Mondstadt!" 

Oh... that

"Too late, dipshits." 

They turned around in confusion and alarm as they saw Rimuru deadpanning at them. "The Stormterror case has been solved by none other than me, Jean, the Honorary Knight, and two other... 'friends'." Rimuru explained. 

"Wait what?"

"Thanks for the help." Rimuru said in sarcasm, deadpanned. Not that I needed it, you guys will just get in my way. And I'll leave you 'cause this is your problems to begin with.

"The Stormterror threat is resolved? I missed the Acting Grand Master's speech?" Cyrus was shocked, disappointed and confused. "...Bah! Stormterror should have put up more of a fight! We didn't get to join in..." And continued to sulk. 

If you guys were there, I ain't saving ur asses. 




"Long live the heroes! Thank you, it's finally all over." Nimrod said, praising Rimuru and Aether when they walked by. "Many trade routes have closed due to the Stormterror incident. We can cope for now without fresh fruit and vegetables... But if the wine supply dries up, we're all doomed!" 

"I cannot imagine a world without wine." 

What a drama queen. 

Venti and Jean seriously needs to have a better and greater security... if there's a Harbinger or an unknown threat that they were unaware of... Mondstadt is doomed. 

TEMPEST || genshin impact/that time I got reincarnated as a slimeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat