The Outlanders Who Caught the Wind

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Rimuru Tempest groaned as he was woken up by the annoying sunlight. He opened his eyes and was immediately confused. He quickly stood up and looked around. He was somewhere near the ocean, but there's something wrong. He couldn't feel his people and he couldn't contact them either. He could see an island far away from here. He could hear a nearby city (?) somewhere on his left. 

And the magicules are different in here as well! Rimuru thought. 

"Where the heck am I?" He asked to himself. "Raphael-sensei, do you know where am I?" 

Unfortunately, no. 

Rimuru's eyes widened. "Even Raphael-sensei don't know. This is bad." 

However, I do sense a nearby town. Raphael announced. 

"Yeah, I sensed it too, but what's worrying me is this strange atmosphere in the air." Rimuru said before lifting a hand to absorb it. "Raphael-san, can you analyze them for me." He asked after absorbing a good amount of the strange air. 


"Now that's out of the way," Rimuru suddenly disappeared and appeared behind the surprised eavesdroppers. "Who are you?" 

The eavesdroppers jumped back in shock and one of them summoned a sword out of thin air.

Rimuru raised an eyebrow. Interesting. He didn't even use any magic to do that. 

"H-how did you disappear out of thin air!? Are you a g-g-ghost!?!?" The other eavesdropper shouted, making Rimuru looked at her only to blink in surprise when he saw her flying without magic. 

What the--you know what I'm not even surprised. Rimuru thought, deadpanning. 

"I'll ask again. Who are you and where am I?" Rimuru asked.

The golden haired boy blinked in surprised and lowered his sword. "Wait, you also don't know where you are?" 

Rimuru raised an eyebrow. "You... you're not from this world?" 

The floating fairy nodded. "Yeah! Aether here told Paimon that he came here from another world after losing his sister from an--"

"Unknown god." Rimuru finished, much to their surprise. 

"Wait! You're also here because of this 'Unknown God'!?" The floating fairy, Paimon, shouted while pointing at him. 

The blonde boy, Aether, looked at him in interest as well, hoping to gain information. "Do you know who that person is?"

Rimuru frowned. "Unfortunately, no." Aether frowned in disappointment. "However, I do know that if we work together we might be able to find where she is." Rimuru added, making Aether's disappointment disappear. 

"You're right! I shouldn't lose hope now." Aether smiled at him. "Thank you." 

Rimuru smiled back. "For now, we should go somewhere safe. Paimon, you know this world more than any of us. Would you mind leading us to a nearby town?" 

Paimon nodded. "That's right! Paimon will be your guide! Follow Paimon!" She said as she flew towards the forest. 

Rimuru and Aether followed. 

"I'm Rimuru Tempest, btw."

"I'm Aether."

"And Paimon is Paimon!" 




Once reaching a cliff, Rimuru stared at the statue. "What's this?" And why is there a lot of energy coming from here?  

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