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Here we go again, a new story.

I got inspired by two others on ao3 and you can find this story there too.  (ノ'ヮ')ノ*: ・゚

The other thing is, I am still learning how to write English and so on but eh, I tried or am trying. ヽ(  ̄д ̄)ノ


'Once upon a time, there ruled two races. The Humans and the Monsters. Both sides coexisted peacefully together, but one day the Human King declared war on the Monsters with the reason of being to dangerous. Some of the Human nations didn't agree with the King and stood at the side of the Monsters to help them. After years of fighting the King of the Humans used an unfinished spell from the magicians...'

"Ugh, why is this part so hard to write...?" you mutter under your breath.
Sitting in a coffee shop by a table alone, waiting for someone who is always late.

You are thinking about how to start your new story, if you are being honest you never did one by yourself that's why you write every idea in your scribble book and hope you won't forget something. Everything is planned... okay, not all, but most of it okay stop lying, you only got the general idea of what the world should look like and how it will function with some new and old things.

"Yo *static* sorry for being late." You look up to your best friend giving him a smirk "Arent you, always late?" saying as he sits down on the other side of the table. He puffs out his cheeks "Not always, yesterday I was on time"

"Mhm, yesterday but what of the other times you were late?" you say amused. He just rolls his eyes.


"So what do you think of this so far?" you ask your friend. "I would say it is interesting with how the world looks like but it is still lacking background did, you think about how those two will look like?" he says while having one hand on his chin for thinking.

"Nah, I'll make their backstory later I want to have at least a general idea of how they look. But I only got a few notes on S*static*, you can help me with-"


"Yeah, a good idea both can-



"Oh! and..."You hear explosions and feel pain before you go unconscious...


Waking up with a mad headache and weary eyes. You notice the hard ground and try to move but, nothing happens it's like everything is squished so you can't move. You start to feel pain, slowly increasing in your whole body, letting out a sound of hurt as it happens.

Your eyes are slowly adjusting, the first thing you see is your best friend, staring with lifeless eyes back at you, blood still coming out of his mouth. Letting out a choked sob, you see that a metal pole is going through his chest. Tears are streaming out, you feel scared and helpless.

Trying to look somewhere else without moving your head (not that you could do it) so you can avoid the gruesome sight, you notice debris everywhere and, you are stuck beneath some big chunks. Dust is falling, cracks everywhere with some holes and the splintered glass beside you. Remembering bombs going off, you faintly hear sirens far away, but for some reason, you know that you won't live through this.

You taste something metallic in your mouth, feeling the warmth beneath you and the cold in your body is creeping up. The pain is numbing and, your eyelids are slowly closing with your breath slowing.

The last thought is how sorry you are, to leave your family and the loss of your best friend before everything went black.


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