Chapter 38

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  "Huh? Is that the girl who wore a hairband on the first day?" said one of the classmates who was questioned.

  "Yes," Meng Qingci nodded hurriedly when he heard it, "Have you seen her?"

  The classmate touched his head: "I just seemed to have seen her. When we came here to ski, we saw her walking over there-"

  Meng Qingci looked in the direction she pointed, which was the direction of their ski trail.

  But she didn't see her when she first came here.

  The remaining possibility is on the other side of their ski trail.

  "Probably when is it?" Meng Qingci asked.

  "It happened an hour or two ago. We have been here for a long time."

  "Okay, thank you." Meng Qingci finished quickly, and hurried over there quickly.

  For some reason, there was no reason in her heart, and a panic rose up.

  If Liang Jinshu wanted to play for a while by herself, then she couldn't play alone for two hours without coming back to find him and her.

  She would definitely know that she would be worried if she hadn't seen her for so long.

  He didn't answer the phone, and didn't send her a report.

  Could it be... something happened...

  Shouldn't, shouldn'

  Meng Qingci thought, the steps under his feet were getting faster and faster, and finally ran directly.

  "Hi~" Cheng Jialu saw Meng Qingci running towards her from a distance. When she approached, she realized that she was dignified and hurried, so she stopped her and asked:

  "What's the matter, Qingci, where do you go so fast?" Cheng Jialu and He Shouge had just finished skiing and they were tired, so they wanted to go back to relax and find something to eat.

  "Have you seen Liang Jinshu?" Meng Qing's aura of kindness was a bit uneven.

  "Express it, no..." Cheng Jialu said, looking back at He Shouge behind her, He Shouge also shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

  "What's wrong with her?" He Shouge asked.

  Meng Qingci pressed her lips, her heart was a little complicated, but she didn't have time to distinguish it carefully: "She just said to eat, and then she never came back.

  I just ran into a classmate from the summer camp. Someone said that she had seen her come out of the service hall two hours ago, but she didn't go back to ski, didn't know where to go, and couldn't get through the phone...

  I am a little worried. "The last few words, she said lowly.

  "Ah!" Cheng Jialu started to panic after hearing this: "It should be fine, let's go find her together."

  Meng Qingci nodded, and while rushing to their skiing side, he called Liang Jinshu.

  "Will she go skiing anymore and don't have time to get her mobile phone, or the mobile phone is muted and can't hear it?" He Shouge's face also sank and asked Meng Qingci.

  Meng Qingci shook his head: "We came here and said that in order to be afraid of not being able to hear the phone, everyone had already set the phone to ringing mode, and she shouldn't be unable to hear it."

  "That should be skiing." Cheng Jialu didn't know if she was comforting everyone.

  "But she can't go skiing for two hours on her own..."

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