Chapter 54: Burnouts in Nashville

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I wasn't able to get any further, till familiar hands wrapped around my waist once again, a familiar hot breath back on my neck. It was amazing how easily he caused those little hairs to stand up.

"I meant what I said – I missed you," he tells me once again, though this time allowing those sweet tender lips to brush across my neck. Fuck, I missed his touch.

"I missed you too," I reply as he pins back against the wall. Considering I took charge at his place, I had no problem allowing him to run the show tonight. After all, he could pleasure my sweet ass any day of the week.

"I missed the taste of those sweet lips against mine." He then lightly brushes his lips across mine, and resistance was not a question tonight as I tried to take it all in. I wanted to the peach that I'd been missing these past two days. However, he pulls back, allowing our eyes to lock together. "I miss that lust in your eyes, the softness of your skin." He then brings himself back closer, to which I think he'll allow the lips to touch again, instead of brushing them along my neck.

"You feel perfect against me..." That wasn't a lie as I was very comfortable with every part of us touching together, something that I couldn't always say about others.

"I stayed focus on my racing endeavors, but kept dreaming about being back with you, running home to you, having you there to play in the trailer." He then brings his hand up to the zipper of my firesuit, which I was surprised still wrapped around my body. Shouldn't this be removed by now? "I missed seeing every single of you, including that sexy toned ass of yours." His hand wraps around, cupping my ass, to which I couldn't help but feel immediately. This was a damn waste of time.

"Then why are you wasting our time together?" The chuckle that escaped his lips afterwards was pretty much torture.

"Patience, young one. I want to ensure you're fully taken care of and appreciated." He then brings his hand around to crotch, clutching my hardened cock in that hand. Fuck, he is a damn ass tease tonight. Did he realize what he was doing to me? "We'll take care of your friend soon enough, but I want to enjoy this."

"Do you promise?" I knew that wasn't a question because let's face it, he wasn't doing all of this for no eventual payoff.

"Absolutely, Alex. I always plan to ensure that you're taken care of. I love you, forever and always." He then returns the kisses once again to my neck, slowly beginning to pull the zipper down. Once it is down, he slowly slips the firesuit off my shoulders, allowing his kisses to follow the path of cloth being removed. "Your skin tastes absolutely amazing..."

"Not as good as yours...." That was certainly the truth because we all know that he's absolutely spectacular in every sense of the word – hence being my perfect peach.

"I just want to savor every inch of you because you're just perfect...." I swear he meant those words because the more the firesuit fell, the trail of kisses continued. Across the shoulders, down my side, across the chest with a special suck on each man boob. Either he was damn well telling me the truth – or he was just trying to torture me.

"Chase...." The moan escaped with the tug, damn well wishing he'd do the same suck on where it mattered already. You'd think with the time apart, he would be wanting to savor every single damn second tonight.

"Patience, young one..." Fuck, how was I supposed to have patience in feeling those tender lips against me? if I grew anymore, fuck, I think I'd burst right out. I don't think it is humanly possible for my cock to grow harder.

"Please..." I practically begged, knowing there was no way that I could last with this teasing trail that he was making.

"Your friend will be taken care of..." He rubs the outer edge of my boxers, as they're finally revealed thanks to the great removal of the firesuit, finally. I almost wish I hadn't worn those underneath so that way the process could happen quicker.

"Soon..." Sorry, but the temptation was too much as I definitely needed him right now and here. It was why I was running my hands through his hair, rubbing the tips of my fingers along his ear, trying anything to increase the pressure for this immediately.

"Do you really want me this badly, Bowman?" I swear he gets off seeing me fight through this torture, as it seemed he was mastering every move to make me even more tempted. Hence why he was now tracing the outline of the boxers with the bare tip of finger, followed by using his teeth to pull them down. Couldn't he just rip them off?

"Fuck yes, Chase! I missed you and need you so badly..." What else did I need to say or do to make this happen?

"It's almost fun watching you squirm..." I swear, I could almost punch him right now. I actually thought about just tackling him, ensuring that I got what I wanted immediately. However, the other side of me was completely enjoying having every inch of me loved. It was a total different experience and appreciation than I was used to. he didn't just want me for one thing. He cherished every inch of me, my feelings. It felt special. Even if my cock told you this was complete fucking torture.

"I promise you it tastes just as good as the rest of me, if not better." Wasn't that normally what people said? The prize at the end of the trail was totally worth it. I mean, it was that way when I played the same game on him. It was why I couldn't wait for the second or third round tonight when I got another taste of him because I craved it more than any desert you could buy in this town.

"I know..." He then brushes his fingers along the edges, causing every part of me to squirm and damn well just want him to fully get it going. Why was this taking so bloody damn long? "That's why I plan to make it all my own, and only my own..."

It was in that moment I didn't know what took over me. There was nothing to grab onto thanks to the hallway wall – no handles, hooks, door knobs, anything at all. It took every bit of strength to not force my legs to give out against the force against me.

He didn't just suck lightly. He just didn't just take it slow. He took every bit of it in the first grasp, completely forceful, and fast. Faster than anything that I had experienced.

"Holy fuck!" I cry out, feeling the passion racing through me, knowing I was damn well not going to last.

Kyle Larson could have the championship and the glory. He could experience all the attention and the fun parties tonight. Let's face it – this was better than that, and I can promise you I am going to damn well enjoy this. 

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