Chapter 15 - Listen to Me

Start from the beginning

I started kicking and screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Help me out here?" I heard James growl but didn't open my eyes.

I felt 2 large hands grab my arm and pin it in place; then another hand started its search for a vein.

My eyes shot back open "NO, NO, Please. I'll do anything, PLEASE!" I said and started focusing on getting my arm to move away from the needle.

"don't worry, baby, we're just helping you calm down," James said as he leaned down, so his shoulder was against my chest and squished me against the bed. His brother held my arm steady for the needle and syringe.

I've never known what it is he drugs me with, but I know it makes me forget about everything. I just will remember bits and pieces of what's going on around me. It would seem that the drug or mix thereof turns me into a mindless robot.

"Please," I whimpered when I felt the needle pierce my arm.

They let go of me, and I tried to run.

They let me.

I didn't make it out of the room before my legs gave out. I started to cry as my vision started to go foggy, and my brain stopped processing anything, not even the fear that had my whole body shaking just a second before.

Daniels Pov:

2 weeks

it's been 2 whole fucking weeks since Katey disappeared from that bathroom.

They've had a few leads, but all have ended up to be dead ends when it comes to Katey. Solid drug busts and arrests have been made. We just haven't found Katey.

Dad tried to call and speak with her Dad to get more information on James and his father, but her Dad refused the call.

So I'm driving down there to meet this guy for the first time and see if I can get any answers out of him.

"Hi, I'm here to visit an inmate? um, Richard Miller." I said, looking down at my palm where I have his name written.

"full name and date of birth, please." the lady behind the plexiglass asked.

"Daniel Stewart, eight-fourteen of 0-one," I said

"relationship?" she asked as she started typing

"Daughters Boyfriend?" I said sheepishly. The lady tried to hide her smile as she continued typing.

"Looks like your not cleared to visit,"

"I didn't know you needed to be pre-approved." I said, disheartened,

"he only has 1 visitor on his list. I'll go see if I can get you cleared." She said and stepped out of the little office and back into the hall behind it.

I waited for a few minutes before she came back with an officer

"He'll see you," she smiled.

The officer walked me to a room where I had to leave all my personal items then back to the visitation room. I sat down across from a very large bald man with tattoos.

He was nothing like I expected, particularly hearing Katey talk about how he was when she was little. He had her eyes, though.

"uh," I cleared my throat.

"Why are you here?"

"I would have thought that was obvious," I said and furrowed my brows.

They did tell him his daughter was missing, right?

"I couldn't have taken her or helped her run. So I don't see the point of being interrogated." he snapped at me.

"nobody- who thinks you are the reason she's missing? we know who took her, just not where they are." I told him, confused that they wouldn't have told him that. Maybe he didn't give them the chance.

"Then why are you here?" he said, glaring at me and ignoring my question.

"I was hoping you might know where James Piercy might hang out."

"James Piercy, Randall's kid? What's he have to do with my Katey?" he said angrily and started to half stand up.

He's scary as all hell.

"He's the prime suspect at the moment," I gulped, leaning back in my chair, feeling a lot more than a little scared of this guy.

He narrowed his eyes at me and flicked his gaze from one eye to the other for a while before sitting back down and saying "His dad has a house off the books; you got a pen?"

I nodded quickly and noted down the address he gave me.

"thank you," I said and got up to leave.

"you care about her?" he asked, leaning back with crossed arms.

"I love Katey," I said and left before he could kill me.

I called my Dad as soon as I left the jail. He started getting everything ready for a raid of the address, and I drove straight to the house to wait for them.

I figured I could scope it out and maybe get some useful information.

"the hell are you doing here?" my Dad said as he about ripped the car door off its hinges.

"Waiting for you before I go in, I'm not a complete idiot," I said, getting out of the car.

"Like hell you are," he growled at me and walked over to his squad car.

"I can help," I said and followed him over to his car.

"no, you can't, you'll get yourself killed," he said and grabbed me, throwing my unsuspecting self into the back of the car and shutting the door. I was trapped back here.

They had the house surrounded, and one of the officers yelled over the speaker for the house to empty.

When no one came out, they broke down the door, and my Dad disappeared inside.

The sound of gunfire filled the air, and I started trying to get out of the back of this damn car, even though I knew it was pointless.

What seemed like hours passed before Dad came running out of the house with a girl wrapped up in blankets in his arms.

He opened the door to the car and set her in my arms.

"make sure she keeps breathing," he said and slammed the door in my face before getting in the front seat and taking off down the road, sirens blaring.

At first, that didn't make sense. Katey was fine, awake, and staring at me even, but I realized quickly she was high on something.

She seemed to be naked under the blanket. I held her close as she shivered slightly. I could only hope that she was shivering from the cold and not because of some reaction to whatever she was on.

Dad radioed the hospital to let them know we were coming, and they were waiting outside for us when we pulled up. He jumped out of the front seat and opened my door. I ran around and set her down on the hospital bed and stood there like a fool as they rushed her away from me.

I heard dad say something but didn't understand what. I ignored him and continued to stare at the now-closed emergency doors.

That is until I heard a thud. I spun around and saw dad on the ground clutching his gut.

"Dad... Help!" I turned back to the door.

Soon he was on a bed too, and being carted off while he told the nurses he was fine.

Once again I was left to wait in the waiting room of a hospital to hear news on Katey's condition but now I was also waiting to hear anything about dad.

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