Chapter Two - Just one more fag

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Troy raised his eyebrow. Why would they go to-?

"Dad, turn here, we're going to Honeydew's first. Gram Tee is meeting us there." Michael said as they reached an intersection.

"Michael, that's not what we agreed on."

"True, we didn't agree on anything specific but I've already told Gram we're meeting her there so either you call her and tell her I made my own plans or we meet her there."

Troy thumbed the indicator to indicate they were turning left as he mused how much his eldest son was like his wife. The trip to Honeydew's was relatively painless for Troy though he suspected that his mother-in-law was holding her peace for the sake of the boys. He loved his mother-in-law but she loved her daughter fiercely and Troy knew he'd fucked up yesterday.

Normally, his wife kept her differences with him to herself and would make her displeasure known to him heatedly when they were alone; this was a colossal mess-up that proved everything his wife had been on about as 100% true and un-fabricated. She normally excused his behaviour to both his and her family as job pressure but he knew it wouldn't cut it this time.

The boys, rather, Michael, pushed the trolley as Jeffrey Matthew selected specific fruits. Watching the boys as they agreed on various items in the fruit and veg store and explained to their grandmother why each item was important. As the teller rang up the items Troy wryly noted that the boys had chosen the most expensive of nearly every item.

The flower shopping was even more interesting with Michael quizzing Troy on his flower selection. The closer they got to visiting hours, the more nervous Troy became. As they parked in the hospital's parking lot Troy took a deep breath, taking in the hospital's extensive grounds and the stone façade of the four-story building. Stepping out into the sun he felt slightly calmer. As he collected the bags of fruit and assorted goodies the boys had bought he saw the impatience in the boys' eyes and quickly closed the boot of the car and locked the car. Jeffrey took two bags from his father while Michael held the flowers and took another bag.

As they walked into the elevator Michael inspected the gift bag his father was also carrying. In the light of the lift, his father looked funny. He nudged his little brother, "Hey Jeff, doesn't Dad look like a short, chubby version of Michael Jordan?" Michael whispered. Troy caught Jeff stealing a glance from his right side and smiled at his son who giggled and nodded.

"What's so funny?" Troy asked.

"You look like a shorter, chubby Michael Jordan," Jeff whispered.

Evelyn felt a tug on her nightdress. "Jeffrey!" She woke with a start. "My baby," she mumbled. She heard a chuckle and frowned. Looking around she found the child she had been concerned about.

"Are you okay, Mummy?" Hazel eyes begged her to be better. Evelyn smiled brightly as she held her hand out.

"Hey Peanut! Where's your big brother?" She looked around the room. Her eyes breezed over her husband and landed on her eldest son. "Hey there, handsome. Too cute to give me a hug?"

"Hey, babe. We were beginning to wonder if you were going to wake up." Michael planted a kiss on his mother's lips and tucked a loose strand of her pitch-black hair behind her ear. His caramel toned hand rested on her chocolate coloured skin. "You alright?"

Troy frowned; his 8-year-old son was out of line and flirting with his wife. By the look on her face, she was delighted to see the boys and unaware. Her ignoring him when she was looking for Michael had been obvious. Shifting uncomfortably he headed for the door. He'd give the boys time with their mum, he thought as he searched his pockets for cigarettes.

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