Mirai "Mary" Sakamoto Barker revealed

Start from the beginning

"Hi! What's your name?" The girl asked her curiously.

"Mei." The girl smiled. "What's yours?"

"My name is Scarlett." The girl introduced. The two girls shook hands. They were in awe of one another. "Your eyes are so pretty."

"Thank you. Yours too." Mei complimented.

They played on the swings before lunch.

Right after lunch, they did music and art. They did finger painting.

"What's your favorite color, Scarlett?" Mei asked.

"Blue." Scarlett smiled.

"Me too!" Mei giggled. "I also like red."

The girls giggled.

They put their finger prints on the paper in blue, red and yellow.

Mei looked up to see both Stephen and Sweeney watching them finger painting and cleaning up. The kids were all ready to go home. After Mei washed/rinsed her hands and dried them she ran over to the men.

"Ben! Doc!" The girl exclaimed excitedly.

Stephen bent down to hug Mei.

"Hey, kiddo! Did you have fun?" Stephen asked. He made it comical. "Was it boring?"

"No!" Mei laughed.

"No?!" Stephen asked comically.

"Hey, love!" Sweeney joined in the hugs too.

Both of the men met Scarlett and her mother, Norah who also has a lesbian partner who is Irish. They planned a play date for both Scarlett and Mei.

Summer turned into autumn in a flash; and in one late mid to late October; Stephen had a fever over the weekend. Mei was helping him feel better along with Christine and Tammie, after getting her flu shot. Now, in the week leading up to Halloween, Stephen felt 100% better than he was that weekend. Mei hugged him.

"I'm glad you feel better, Doc!" Mei giggled.

"Me too, kiddo." Stephen smiled as he returned the hug. He had a mission to go to and Tammie was returning home around bedtime from the Beck Center; she was doing voice lessons. Bridget was teaching tai-chi and self-defense classes. David was at the Beck Center with Adam, teaching singing lessons.

"Sweeney and I will watch her." Joshua volunteered.

"I'm sure we will." Sweeney agreed. "If anything happens, we'll let you know."

"Okay." Stephen nodded.

Joshua got Mei settled into a bath and put her pajamas on her. How tired the sweet girl was...so tired. She lay in her bed as Joshua tucked her in her sheets. Joshua soothingly stroked her forehead and cheeks.

"Oh, Mei...before you lie down, want to sip on your grape juice?" Joshua asked softly.

Mei nodded sleepily.

"I know, sweetheart." Joshua soothed to his little niece. She guzzled the whole thing down and lay on her pillow. Joshua soothingly stroked her forehead and cheek.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, "Come unto Me and rest,
Lay down, O weary one, lay down your head upon My breast."
I looked to Jesus as I was, so weary, worn and sad
I found in Him a resting place and He has made me glad..." Joshua softly crooned to little Mei whom was fast asleep. He planted a kiss on his niece's cheek.

"Rest easy, Mei." Joshua whispered tenderly.

Sweeney and Joshua were in the living room and Tammie had returned home.

Mirai  "Mary" Sakamoto Barker FoundWhere stories live. Discover now