《Magical myc》

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Myc x fem! Reader

Readers pov:

It was a cold Sunday evening and by evening I mean it was 3 in the morning and I was up trying to get some writing done for my book but I kept getting spammed with messages

Brett: Heyyyoooo y/nnnn come meet me and **THE GANG** at that bar down to street 😎

Brett: y/n can you drive me home later pls???☺

Brett: okay nvm gigi's driving me to her house instead 😊

Andre: wy did you nout drlve brettt h0me

Andre: whta wy cannnt I teyp rlght?-??-)!(

Andre: ignure dis

Myc: hi

Myc: hi I borrowed some money I'll pay you back in the next 80000 Thursdays

Myc: Hey babe do you like tentacle porn 🥰😊

Yeah it was normal- wait what was that last message "Hey baby do you like tentacle porn" what?? This fucker

Yknow what? I'm going to sleep on it and tomorrow I'll say to him about it..just incase he deleted the message I screenshot it then got into bed and fell asleep

I woke up again hours later with my shitty alarm going off, alright I just have to get dressed, go to work, conform myc about the messages, then do work as quick ad I can and get home to sleep

I got dressed in my usual outfit and grabbed my bag and keys then walked out of the front door and took a deep breath...ah fuck it smells bad out here

I rush to my car and inhale the Berry air-freshener and turned on the radio, it's the typical shitty pop song on most stations and then the same bad news report on the new president

"Breaking news! Our new president is making local news because of a recent accident where he fell down plane stairs and got his head stuck in the railing...again, some people say he's too dumb to be the president and we've got an anonymous man here speaking up about the president

"That new president is just a pawn by the shadow Goverment to trick all of you, the president is a robot! Also J.R give me my fucking kidneys you a*****e" wait is that Reagan dad? I've seen him around office a couple times and that sounds like him....eh how cares

I speed up the car and just put in a CD, I'm gonna get to work early so I domt have to take up work time for this "stupid incident"

I pull my car up at the building and quickly park hen walk into the office, I see some sheep-people and the usual weird clone department worker...I dont trust thoose guys

I get to "the gangs" office and its just myc in there...oh how convenient for me

I pull out my phone to the text message and walk up to myc

"What the fuck was this about myc?" I sayand he turns around in the spinning chair and laughs

"Oh fuck I'm funny even when I'm drunk! Don't sweat it hun trust me nobody is interested in you" He says nonchalantly and spins around in his chair again

"Fuck you myc, your alien ass thing is only here because J.R needs you for experiments and shit!" He turns again and if a mushroom aline ring could look offended, that would be him

"No fuck you y/n, you always prance around and create drama about nothing! And cmon you should be thanking me, it's not like you'd ever get a message like that even if you died!"

I pick up a globe and throw it at myc but he ducks his "head?" Down and starts shouting "What the fuck was that?"

He picks up a pen and throws it.., somehow the shitty old ass pen fucking stabs my arm

I rip out the pen and run to stab his shitty "mushroom" head with it, but he dodges and tackels me to the ground

We roll around on the ground and keep hitting amd throwing objects at eachother, knocking everything in the room over and even breaking thing

The door creaks open and Brett, gigi, Glenn, Reagan and Andre walk in

"What the fuck happened here!" Reagan shouted looking around the room then down at us fighting on the ground

"Myc started it!"I yell over "Lying bitch!" He also yells and punches me with his weird tentacle things

"Yooo myc get that pussy!" Andre shouts and myc stares at him "not the time dude!" He says then goes back to punching Me and I start Kicking him

"Stop fucking fighting you two!" Reagan shouts Pulling me away from myc and Andre going to grab myc

"He started it!" I shout out at him while Reagan tries to pull me to the side

"God I hate to do this early but I guess we have to go to J.R about this." She groans and yells at myc to come over to us

"Alright you fuckers pushed me into this, so we're going to J.R about this, okay?" Me and myc mumble profanities at eachother and she quickly takes us to J.Rs office

"Now what's all this fighting about aren't you two freaks usually friends or something?" J.R says sitting down at his desk

"No!" We both yell in sync back at him

"Okay then what started all this?" J.R said writing on some paper

"Well at 3 in the morning myc sent me a very weird message, look I still have it!" I pulled up the message and showed it to J.R

"Well you still haven't answered my question, do you like tentacle porn!? Its a simple question y/n" myc yells and I groan

"Why do you keep asking that?" I shout at him and he pauses for a second

"I was drunk okay?! And I'm a curious guy okay?" He shrugged his "shoulders"

J.R said something about needing to make a phonecall and left, leaving us alone in the room

Myc puts one of his tentacles on my head "what the fuck are you doing?" I say

"I'm reading your mind dumbass."

My face grows red "Hey that's an invasion of privacy dickface!" I yell and try to push him away from me but it's too late

" Aha! So you do like tentacle porn, I've got you all figured out bitch!" He yells

"Fuck you myc!"

"Fuck you y/n!"

There was a pause of silence as we stared at eachother for what seemed like minutes then smashed put faces together, well if you can even say he has one but anyways

We roughly kissed and fell onto J.Rs desk, we kept kissing and the door creaked open

"Yknow what...I should just go and get coffee..." J.R said turning around and leaving

I guess you can say it got messy in there after...

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