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Little snowflakes were falling from the sky as Jisung closed the door behind him.

The boy lifted his head up to the sky and smiled at the sight of the white crystals falling down. Winter time finally arrived, and he was more than ready for it.

Not only did he buy tons of christmas sweets and cookies, but he also made a fun to-do list for this winter and finally got himself a little oven to at least pretend his lonely house was cozy.

He decorated his room with fairy lights and candles, although he already knew he'd be too lazy to really light all of them up.

There was also a little christmas tree in the living room, not a real one though, but pretty enough to be called a christmas tree and not some fake trash.

Jisung put on the hood of the hoodie he wore under his black coat and put his hands in the coat pockets to keep them warm. Then he started walking, away from his little home, and closer to the city.

Felix already waited at the café, he texted Jisung ten minutes ago. The boy hoped his friend wasn't too angry at him forgetting their appointment. He just was busy decorating his house – on the inside as well as the outside.

The snowflakes were getting thicker and more, and Jisung enjoyed them hitting his glasses, although he couldn't see much anymore. His phone pinged in his pocket and the boy fastened his steps to not let Felix wait any longer.

It was a new café they wanted to meet at, closer to Jisungs home than any other café in the city, yet he was too late. To be honest, Jisung wasn't really in the mood to meet his best friend, but Felix promised him cheesecake, so there was no possibility of him saying now.


Felix saw Jisung even from far away through the snowfall.

He began to wave above his head with one hand to make the other recognizing him through the window, but it took Jisung a few steps more to see his best friend waving at him like a crazy clown.

The boy outside felt his ears redden and sighed. That was exactly the reason he didn't want to meet up with Felix. As much as he loved his best friend, he also hated being in public with him.

Felix tend to not really think before doing or saying something, and he didn't care about the opinion of other people at all. If he wanted to laugh, he'd laugh, if he wanted to scream he'd scream, and if he wanted to jump around he'd jump.

That was his crazy crack head side, but he also had this super soft and caring side. The side that made Jisung and everyone else around him falling in love with the little sunshine.

Jisung stepped closer to the door of the cafe and reached out for the door handle. After a deep breath to clam himself a little down, he opened the door, just to be welcomed by a cloud of warm air and the smell of cake and cookies.

He stepped closer into the room and looked for his friend, who sat at a table a few meters away from where Jisung stood.

The warm air made his glasses foggy, so he took them off and continued his walk towards his friends' table while barely recognizing the surrounding shapes. There was a time when Jisung only used his glasses to read, like older people with bad eyesight do. But as time passed by – twelve years to be exact – his eyesight got worse, and he can barely see without his glasses now.

Maybe it was because he spent so much time in front of a screen, whether it would be his phone, his laptop or simply the tv.

»Jisung«, Felix yelled, Jisung still a few steps away from the table.

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