What in the Blue heck?

Start from the beginning

Miraitowa stared at her, his expression filled with fear and grief. He looked away as he felt his emotions surge within him. This whole experience was new to him. But for some reason he understood everything. Like he had grown up and learned things. Only he hadn't. He had been in that glass case from day one.

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He was thrown out. Like trash. I am trash. His eyes snapped open. "Someity, maybe that's what we are. Maybe we're trash." She didn't respond. With a scoff he glanced over at her. She was pressed up against the glass pushing as hard as she could.

"Someity, what on earth are you doing?" She didn't look at him but grunted, "I'm getting us out of here." He rolled his eyes, "We can't. I was awake longer than you, I beat the case for hours. I was so tired that I passed out." She stopped pressing the case and looked back at him, "Well I'm not just gonna sit here idle waiting to taken out with the trash."

He huffed and plopped into a twisted sitting position. "Fine, but I'm telling you, we're not getting out." Just then the door to the building that they had come out of opened. A man stepped out and walked over to the dumpster. Someity recognized him as one of the giants that she'd seen inside.

He tossed something into the dumpster and turned to leave, but swiveled on his heels and looked right at the glass case. Both Someity and Miraitowa froze. He stared at the case for a moment before reaching both hands up and grasping it in a firm grip. He lifted it out of the dumpster and held it against his chest as he went back inside.

Someity looked at Miraitowa with frantic worry in her eyes. "Stay still." She mouthed to him as the man carried the case back through the room of giants and through another doorway that lead outside. Only instead of a dumpster, there were cars. Lots of cars. He walked up to a black Chrysler Concord and opened the passenger door, setting the case on the seat.

Then he shut the door and walked around to the other side, getting in and starting the car. Both Someity and Miraitowa jumped at the sound of the car, but settled down a moment later. The man started driving, paying no attention to the case. Someity took this chance to speak to Miraitowa.

"Look, we're not trash. It was probably a mistake we got thrown out there anyway." He gave her a quirked expression and shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever." She wanted to say something else, something to encourage him. But she didn't have the right words. So she sat there silently, keeping an eye on the giant man.

Quite some time later his car came to a stop just outside of a nice looking house. Someity and Miraitowa looked at each other, fear evident on their faces. The man grabbed the case and took it with him into the house, shutting the door behind him. The two little creatures were jostled around as he carried the case across the house and into his room.

Someity scrambled to get into a standing position as the man set the case on his bed and peered at the two. Someity looked like a statue. But Miraitowa didn't move quickly enough. The man was staring at him with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"What in the blue heck?" He mumbled as he blinked several times. He gripped the glass case and brought it closer to his face. Miraitowa had managed to keep relatively still, but seeing the giant face so close sent him stumbling backwards with a scream.

The man jolted in surprise and reeled back, but his surprise only lasted a second. A moment later he ran his hands along the case until he found a small latch. Then with speed he unlatched the case and pulled the glass pane off the case. Miraitowa scrambled away from the opening and jumped atop Someity, pulling them both onto the floor.

Someity squealed as she hit the floor, her hands grasping Miraitowa tightly and pulling him closer. Her eyes landed on the man, fear racking her brain. "G-get away!" She surprised herself by screaming at him, but he didn't seem deterred. Instead he lowered himself so that he was closer to them both.

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