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A/N Updates will be every Wednesday. 😇

Deku's POV
Life is really crazy. It feels like just yesterday that we were getting beat within an inch of our lives on a weekly basis. How far we have come is just insane, Kacchan's mom is dead, we are finally free of her and her hold on us, we just had to fake our suicide to go undercover for it. Now we are trying to find his dad in order to put him away and I found out that my dad was actually All-For-One. That was a huge shock.

All Might refused to hold it against me or my mom. He married her and gave me his name in the process and he gave me away at my own wedding. Kacchan and I have been able to call him Dad and we were able to finish his surgery to make him a hero again, he is still healing though. Life was finally getting good even with us going back undercover again.

To make things better our friends were with us this time, we are not alone anymore. We will never be alone again. So why in the literal fuck did AFO speed past all of our time table predictions? There's no way he knows that I, One, am his son.

I had Spinner pinned to the wall while I growled at him, letting my rage spill out of me. I have to play this part perfectly. We can't seem excited to meet the boss. If anything we have to act like it was the worst part of this whole organization. Which is very true actually but that's besides the point. We need to get to Time Bomb first and destroy his control of the L.O.V. in order for our plans to actually work. I feel Two walk up behind me and hiss our questions through his gritted teeth.

"Why would he want anything to do with us? We don't commit crimes or treason," okay it could be argued that torturing Endeavor was treason all by itself but because the public sided with us the whole thing was kind of dropped.

"He wants to meet you himself, otherwise I don't know!" Spinner croaked trying to breathe even with my choke hold on him. I let him drop to the ground ignoring the knives that fell out of hidden pockets, they aren't very well hidden if they can just fall out like that anyway.

Two taps on my shoulder and I let Spinner go but I didn't stop snarling, letting myself rage and just panic in general not that Spinner could tell. As far as he was concerned I was angry at being stopped and actually directed to do something. It's time to face Shigaraki and the rest of the core members, those still alive anyway. I killed Toga but Twice died in an attack against the heroes. So the only remaining core member we have contact with was Spinner and he was only just barely a core member from my understanding but Three said that he was slowly migrating further into the inner circle so we needed to be careful.

"When?" Two asked and I gave Sandman a look that he would understand all too well. He gave me a brief nod and turned so that he was keeping a better watch. Later I would notify 'god' but for now we had to deal with the issue. We can still make this work after all we already have Dadizawa in position and Dad is all healed up from his surgery he is just slowly readjusting to his quirk again.

Since I still have One-For-All he won't be as powerful as before but he refused to take it back saying that it was mine now and would be until I found my own successor. What remains a secret though is that he will be a working hero again soon. That should give us some advantage, that information hasn't been made public yet.

"They want to see you now," Spinner was still rubbing his throat where I was holding him only a few moments ago. "They aren't mad, they are impressed at how well you have been whipping the League into shape," what he doesn't know is that by giving all of these villains a crippling fear of us and our 'team' when we do finally strike they will all crumble without much effort.

"Fine," Two turned to me and started rubbing on my neck acting like he was trying to calm me down. "It's okay One, we can have our alone time when we are done. We only came in to bring Sandman, it's not like we have guard duty today." This was only half true. We actually came in to work on our escape tunnel, we have managed to build it up pretty strong and with how deep into the hideout our room is it was the perfect place for heroes to come in undetected when the time came.

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